
Multiple buy orders bot for OpenSea.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Multiple buy orders bot for OpenSea.

I have improved version of the bot in private repo.


  • network - network name (use mainnet or rinkeby).
  • infura_key or alchemy_key - Infura or Alchemy node API key.
  • mnemonic - MetaMask mnemonic phrase.
  • wallet_address - buyer wallet address.
  • opensea_key - OpenSea API key. Optional, recommended for multiple requests.
  • delay - delay between buy orders in milliseconds. Default: 1000.
  • expiration - expiration time for offer in hours. Default: 24.
  • exit_timeout - timeout in milliseconds for checking if all tasks done. Default: 2000.
  • monitoring_enabled - if true, bot will try to buy an asset until success. Default: false.
  • monitoring_delay - delay between buy order attempts in milliseconds. Default: 1000.

Default config file: config.json.


  "network": "rinkeby",
  "infura_key": "<your Infura API key>",
  "mnemonic": "<your MetaMask mnemonic phrase>",
  "wallet_address": "<your wallet address>",

  "delay": 500,
  "expiration": 4,

  "monitoring_enabled": true,
  "monitoring_delay": 5000

Assets list file

Each line containts a link to the asset on the OpenSea and a price as a floating-point number.

Default list file: list.txt.


https://testnets.opensea.io/assets/0x08a62684d8d609dcc7cfb0664cf9aabec86504e5/6086 0.01
https://testnets.opensea.io/assets/0x08a62684d8d609dcc7cfb0664cf9aabec86504e5/4367 0.01
https://testnets.opensea.io/assets/0x08a62684d8d609dcc7cfb0664cf9aabec86504e5/11 0.02

Command line arguments

  • --file=<file name> - assets list file. Default: list.txt.
  • --config=<file name> - config file. Default: config.json.
  • --output=<file name> - output log file. Default: log.txt.
  • --verbose - print all messages to console. Disabled by default.
  • --seaverb - print OpenSea log messages. Disabled by default.
  • --printinfo - don't create buy orders, but print assets info. Disabled by default.


You should have an Infura or Alchemy API key, an OpenSea API key, an OpenSea account and a MetaMask account.

Make sure to have installed Node.js and Git.

  • Install the package.
  • Create a config file.
  • Run offers.js.


npm install
node offers.js --config=config.json --file=list.txt