
A wrapper of L-BFGS-B of Fortran 90.

Primary LanguageFortran

A wrapper of L-BFGS-B local minimization routine

subroutine lbfgsb(n, x, func_sub, grad_sub, print_sub, info, &
   func_tol, grad_tol, num_corr, max_cyc, bound_stat, x_lower, x_upper, print_level)

A wrapper of L-BFGS-B
The original version can be found on http://users.iems.northwestern.edu/~nocedal/software.html#lbfgs

This subroutine uses L-BFGS-B method to minimize the value of a function by adjusting the variables,
with the gradient provided.


n is an integer variable.
  On entry n is the dimension of variables, should be positive.
  On exit n is not changed.

x is a double precision array of dimension n.
  On entry x is the initial guess.
    the memory of x should be allocated before.
  On exit x is the final value of variables, and should be the converged values of variables if
    info == 0

func_sub is a subroutine to computes function value of the function to be minimized, should have the
  syntax func_sub(n, x, f), where

    n is an integer.
      On entry n is the dimension of variables.
      On exit n is not changed.

    x is a double precision array of dimension n.
      On entry x is the current variables.
      On exit x is not changed.

    f is a double pricision.
      On entry f is not specified.
      On exit f is the function value related to the current variables.

grad_sub is a subroutine to computes gradients of the function to be minimized, should have the
  syntax grad_sub(n, x, g), where

    n is an integer.
      On entry n is the dimension of variables.
      On exit n is not changed.

    x is a double precision arrray of dimension n.
      On entry x is the current variables.
      On exit x is not changed.

    g is an array double pricision of dimension n.
      On entry g is not specified, and can be assumed to be already allocated.
      On exit g is the gradient of the function related to the current variables.

print_sub is a subroutine to print intermediate information, shoule have the syntax
  print_sub(n, x, f, g, task, ind_cyc), where

    n is an integer.
      On entry n is the dimension of variables.
      On exit n is not changed.

    x is a double precision array of dimension n.
      On entry x is the current variables.
      On exit x is not changed.

    f is a double pricision.
      On entry f is the current function value.
      On exit f is not changed.

    g is a double pricision array of dimension n.
      On entry g is the current function gradient.
      On exit g is not changed.

    task is a character string of length 60.
      On entry task is the name of the current task.
      On exit task is not changed.

    ind_cyc is an integer.
      On entry ind_cyc is the index of the current cycle.
      On exit ind_cyc is not changed.

info is an integer.
  On entry info is not specified.
  On exit info indicates the status of exit status of L-BFGS-B algorithm, where
     == 0: exited normally.
      > 0: exited with an internal error occured.
      < 0: did not converge within the specified max amount of loops.

func_tol is a double pricision, and it is optional.
  On entry func_tol is the tolerance related to the change of the function value.
    If not specified, the default value of func_tol is 1.d-7.
  On exit func_tol is not changed.

grad_tol is a double pricision, and it is optional.
  On entry grad_tol is the tolerance related to the maximum gradient.
    If not specified, the default value of grad_tol is 1.d-5.
  On exit grad_tol is not changed.

num_corr is an integer, and it is optional.
  On entry num_corr is the maximum number of variable metric corrections used to define the limited
    memory matrix. The space complexity is O(num_corr**2) when m is large. It is usually between 3
    and 10.
    If not specified, the default value of num_corr is 5.
  On exit num_corr is not changed.

max_cyc is an integer, and it is optional.
   On entry max_cyc is the maximum allowed amount of loops, if the number of cycles is greater than
     max_cyc, the algorithm will exit without a converged solution. If is is zero or negative,
     the algorithm will never stop until it is converged.
     If not specified, the default value of max_cyc is 0.

bound_stat is an integer array of dimension n, and it is optional.
  On entry bound_stat(i) == 0: x(i) is unbounded,
                            1: x(i) has only a lower bound,
                            2: x(i) has both lower and upper bound, and
                            3: x(i) has only an upper bound.
    If not specified, the default values of bound_stat are 0.
 On exit bound_stat is not changed.

x_lower is a double precision array of dimension n, and it is optional.
  On entry if bound_stat(i) == 1 or 2, then x_lower is the lower bound of x(i), otherwise useless.
    If not specified, the default values of x_lower are -1.d0. If bound_stat == 0 or 3, then x_lower
    does not need to be specified.
  On exit x_lower is not changed.

x_upper is a double precision array of dimension n, and it is optional.
  On entry if bound_stat(i) == 2 or 3, then x_upper is the upper bound of x(i), otherwise useless.
    If not specified, the default values of x_upper are 1.d0. If bound_stat == 0 or 1, then x_upper
    does not need to be specified.
  On exit x_upper is not changed.

print_level is an integer.
  On entry print_level controls the verbose level of internal printing of subroutine setulb in
    original L-BFGS-B code, the larger print_level is, the more verbose it is. For details please
    see the comments of iprint of the original code. If print_level is positive, a file with name
    "iterate.dat" will be created including the detail information. If print_level is negative,
    then it will prints nothing.
    If not specified, the default value of print_level is -1.
  On exit print_level is not changed.