
This is a Ecommerce website created using Django Framework. The backend is completely handled by django and javascript, whereas for the frontend bootstrap was used. In addition to this I created a Recommendation model using collaborative filtering based on User's Likes and Dislikes. To make the recommendation model a little lighter Cython was used.

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense



This is an Ecommerce website created using Django Framework. The project focuses on providing a seamless shopping experience with advanced features like a Recommendation model using collaborative filtering and optimization using Cython.

Technologies Used

  • Backend: Django, Python
  • Frontend: Bootstrap, HTML/CSS, JavaScript
  • Recommendation Model: Collaborative Filtering
  • Optimization: Cython

Key Features

  • Shopping Cart: Users can add and remove items from their cart.
  • Checkout and Payment: Includes transaction ID generation for completed orders.
  • Recommendation System: Uses collaborative filtering based on user preferences (Likes and Dislikes).
  • Performance Optimization: Cython is utilized to enhance the efficiency of the Recommendation model.


Watch a demo of the project on YouTube.

Setup Instructions

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone https://github.com/your-username/Django-ecomm-ml_cython.git
    cd Django-ecomm-ml_cython