
A small tool to find and play music using python, ag and mpv

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This program requires Python 3.2+. For music playback, it uses the program mpv, which can be installed on OS X by using the following Homebrew command

$ brew install python3 mpv


Only *nix systems are supported at the moment.


The program expects your music to be in a directory given by the environment variable MUSPLAY_MUSIC. Playlists will be searched for in $MUSPLAY_PLAYLISTS or, if that is missing, in $MUSPLAY_MUSIC/Playlists.


Throw the folder somewhere and run

$ python3 musplay --help

Search functionality

If you only want to use the program to search for tracks, use the -n flag as in

$ python3 musplay -n '@Trash80'

or run the search.py directly as in

$ python3 musplay/search.py '@Trash80'