
Demo application for SXSW 2016 workshop on Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#SWSX 2016 Node Workshop Project Files

This app has several modules that demonstrate different aspects of building a Node app.

Workshop Details


Workshop Outline (headers are tags in repo)


  • build barebones app.js
    • #!/usr/bin/env node
    • console.log("Hello World")
  • run hello world app
    • node app.js


  • move helloWorld app into services
    • rename to index.js for easier require statements
  • update base app.js to now run services
    • brief interlude on scope
    • how the let variable declaration in the for loop is different
  • again run node app
    • this time the hello world app is running on it’s own
    • the new Hello World service could also be run independently
      • cd services/helloWorld && node index.js


  • create new basicWeb service
  • build a base app package.json
    • npm init —yes
  • build a basicWeb package.json
    • cd services/basicWeb && npm init --yes
    • add “main” property so that we can specify the app’s entry point
      • "main": "./app.js",
  • install express in basicWeb
    • npm install express --save --save-exact
  • create app.js for new service, add to main prop in package.js


  • add more features to basicWeb service
  • express config and middleware
    • stylus, jade, static files
  • views with global layout
  • basic model using static data, promises
  • use require for json data file
  • discuss shared scope with the static data


  • add passport.js integration for local auth
  • unit tests


  • refactor file organization a bit
  • use mongoose instead of static data for models
  • update views, routes, etc for register
  • update tests for handling async mongoose calls in tests


  • create worker service that pulls jobs from rabbit
  • add cluster to web service
  • add redis sessions


  • Setup Heroku settings for deploy
    • Procfile
  • show quick install button setup
    • app.json