_ _ | | (_) | |_ _ _ __ _ _ | __| | '_ \| | | | | |_| | | | | |_| | \__|_|_| |_|\__, | __/ | |___/ An eentsy-teensy turing-complete programming language that isn't a brainfuck to code in ;) I designed this to be as usable as possible, while also being as minimal as possible. As of the first version, it is 84 lines (in a semi-minified format), and has variables, numeric expressions, booleans, and basic I/O. The default environment is a REPL, but you can also load a program from a file. Usage: tiny [program] There are comments, but they take up entire an entire line, you can't use comments mid-line. Example programs are euler_number.ty, hello.ty and factorial.ty --- BASICS --- To define a variable: foo = 9 You can also define a variable as an expression: ; foo = 7 foo = + 2 5 You can also define a variable as a boolean expression: foo = == 1 1 ; true You can also define a variable as another variable: foo = 1 bar = foo ; both variables = 1 You can use variables within expressions: foo = 5 bar = 6 baz = + foo bar ; baz = 11 To go to line x if variable y is true (x can be a variable): goto x y To print variable x: print x To get a number as input and store it in variable x: input x -- TODO -- > Floating-point numbers > Labels instead of line numbers > (big MAYBE) Strings