
Manipulate your computer like a hacker! 像黑客一样操作电脑!

Primary LanguageAutoHotkeyGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

CapsLockX - 💻 Get Hacker's Keyboard. Operate your computer like a hacker

CapsLockX is a modular hotkey script engine based on AutoHotkey. It allows you to operate your computer efficiently like a hacker in a movie without ever taking your hands off the keyboard. It comes packed with functions that are intuitive and easy to use: enhanced editing, virtual desktop and window management, mouse simulation, in-app hotkey enhancement, JS mathematical expression calculation, and many more multifunctional features are there for you to personally customize.

Here is a tiny online demo to show you the feeling how WASD Mouse + HJKL Keyboard works - Try CapsLockX

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CapsLockX was created to address several common frustrations that many computer users face on a daily basis. Here are some of the main reasons why CapsLockX exists:

  1. Efficient Window Management: Modern computer usage often involves juggling multiple windows and virtual desktops, especially for professionals working on complex projects. CapsLockX provides intuitive hotkeys for managing virtual desktops and windows, making it easy to switch between tasks seamlessly without losing focus.

  2. Enhanced Text Editing: Moving between the typing area and the editing control area can be cumbersome, especially for heavy typists or programmers. CapsLockX introduces Vim-like keybinds and other enhancements that allow for efficient text navigation and editing directly from the keyboard.

  3. Mouse Simulation: Constantly switching between the keyboard and the mouse can disrupt workflow and lead to repetitive strain injuries (RSI). CapsLockX solves this by enabling comprehensive mouse emulation using the keyboard, allowing users to perform mouse actions with simple key combinations.

  4. Streamlined Shortcut Management: Different applications often have their own sets of shortcuts, which can be hard to remember or inefficiently placed. CapsLockX provides a unified way to enhance and customize hotkeys within various applications, allowing for a more cohesive and efficient working environment.

  5. Mathematical Expression Calculation: For users who frequently need to perform calculations, CapsLockX offers a way to quickly evaluate JavaScript mathematical expressions directly from the keyboard, streamlining workflows that involve frequent calculations.

  6. Multifunctional Customization: CapsLockX is modular and highly customizable, allowing users to tailor the hotkey scripts to their specific needs. Whether you need specific functions for coding, writing, designing, or managing tasks, CapsLockX can be adapted to meet those requirements.

  7. Portable and Open Source: CapsLockX is designed to be a portable tool that can be easily transferred and used across different systems. As an open-source project, it also provides transparency and community-driven improvements, ensuring that the software remains secure and continuously enhanced.

In summary, CapsLockX aims to make computer interaction more efficient, ergonomic, and customized to individual workflows, helping users operate like a hacker in movies, quickly achieving their tasks without breaking concentration.

Beginner's Quick Start Tutorial 📖 Tutorial

Simple Quick Start Tutorial (Completion of this section is considered the beginning of mastering CapsLockX)

CapsLockX has four core functions: window management, mouse emulation, arrow key emulation, and application-specific hotkeys. This beginner tutorial will teach you the first three core functions.

First, get CapsLockX: download this zip file: Download JSDelivrCDN - Release Package.zip

After unzipping, open CapsLockX.exe within the CapsLockX folder, get past the simple beginner tutorial, and then try out the following functions in the left and right-hand feature areas to understand the capabilities of CapsLockX.

Once CapsLockX is started, it will not affect the functionality of other keys on your keyboard. The following features are triggered only when you press CapsLockX + combination keys.

Left-hand feature area:

  • Window management: CapsLockX + 1234567890 switches to the nth virtual desktop, CapsLockX + ZXCV for window operations (window switching, window closing, window arranging, transparency top-most).
  • Mouse emulation function: Press CapsLockX + WASD to move the mouse (as simple as moving a character while playing a game), press CapsLockX + QE for left and right mouse clicks, CapsLockX + RF for scrolling up and down.

Right-hand feature area:

  • Arrow key emulation: Open any text editor (such as Notepad), press HJKL to move the cursor, YOUI to move the page

After familiarizing yourself with the basic features, consult the quick reference guide below for more advanced functionalities.

Advanced Reference Manual 🦽 Manual

Installation and Use 🛠 Installation

Portable Program Package (for beginners, stable version) 📦 Packaged Bins

The source code package is the software itself, no need to compile, just unzip and use the green portable software. Source code + program package, the first one is recommended (the fastest).

  1. Download JSDelivrCDN - Release Package.zip
  2. Alternative Download CloudFlareCDN - Release Package.zip
  3. Alternative Download GitHub - Release Package.zip
  4. Alternative Download GitHub - Repository Program Package.zip
  5. Alternative Download BitBucket - Repository Program Package.zip
  6. Alternative Download for Mainland China Users - Gitee - Repository Program Package.zip (login required)

You can use it after unzipping. Methods to start and set to auto-start: Double-click CapsLockX.exe to start the script. To add a startup item, enter shell:startup in the start menu - run, then create a shortcut for this program, and throw it in.

Command Line Installation (recommended for advanced users, can be updated automatically) 🖥️ Install by command

Choose any of the following, the 4th one is recommended for users in mainland China

  1. npx capslockx@latest, -- Directly run with NPX, always run the latest version, recommended (requires installation of NodeJS)
  2. choco update capslockx && capslockx -- Use Chocolatey to install and use cup for automatic updates, recommended
  3. npm i -g capslockx && npx capslockx -- npm global installation
  4. git clone https://gitee.com/snomiao/CapslockX && .\CapsLockX\CapsLockX.exe -- Mainland China source code package (green software package) unzip and use, recommended for mainland China users
  5. git clone https://github.com/snolab/CapsLockX && .\CapsLockX\CapsLockX.exe -- GitHub source code package (green software package) unzip and use
  6. winget capslockx -- TODO #40
  7. scoop capslockx -- TODO #41

User Manual 📖 - Usage Manual

Basic Operations

  • Hold down CapsLockX to enter CapsLockX mode, at which point your keyboard will become a functional keyboard like the default mode of Vim (see key positions below).
  • Press CapsLockX+Space at the same time to lock CLX mode, where CLX will be maintained until CapsLockX is pressed again next time. Origin of Function

Module Description

CapsLockX by default loads some commonly used modules. The features and how to use them are listed below. If you don't need certain modules, you can also directly delete the .ahk files in the ./Modules directory, and then press Ctrl + Alt + \ to reload.

You can also write your own my-ahk.user.ahk and put it in the ./User/ directory, and CapsLockX will automatically recognize and load them.

Nightmares of Multitasking

Virtual Desktop Overview: Scenario Modes, Work Desks, Entertainment Desks, Project Categories...

Typically, a set of tasks a user is currently performing will include multiple windows. These windows combined can constitute a usage scenario, while multiple scenarios are likely to run at the same time, and some of them will run for a long time, without interference. This will involve a lot of window arrangement and virtual desktop switching operations, in these aspects, using CLX to manage your windows will bring a terrifying efficiency improvement.

Below are some examples of scenario combinations: Suppose you can study, work on several different jobs, chat with friends, play games, listen to BGM in the background, and have a paused movie ready to watch with family in the evening.

  • Virtual desktop 1: Planning scenario: Schedule window + Multi-platform sync notes, e.g.: Google Calendar + Notion + Gmail.
  • Virtual desktop 2: Learning scenario: Book reading window, note-taking window, e.g.: OneNote + Calibre, etc.
  • Virtual desktop 3: Work scenario 1 (Front-end Development): Code editing + Documentation querying + Browser, e.g.: Chrome(dev) + VSCode + stackoverflow, etc.
  • Virtual desktop 4: Work scenario 2 (Back-end Development): Code editing + Documentation querying + Backend terminal + Database browser, e.g.: DBeaver + VSCode(+bash) + stackoverflow, etc.
  • Virtual desktop 5: Work scenario 3 (Script Development): Code editing + Documentation querying + Script target, e.g.: VSCode(+bash) + stackoverflow etc.
  • Virtual desktop 6: Work scenario 4 (3D Modeling and Rendering): 3D modeling software + Material searching, e.g.: Blender + Chrome.
  • Virtual desktop 7: Work scenario 5 (3D Printing Slicing): Slicing software + Model searching window, e.g.: Cura + thingiverse
  • Virtual desktop 7: Work scenario 6 (Video Processing): Editing + Material management, e.g.: PR + Everything.
  • Virtual desktop 7: Work scenario 7 (Video Processing): Post-production + Documentation tutorial, e.g.: AE + Chrome.
  • Virtual desktop 8: Writing scenario: Writing window, material referencing window, e.g.: Obsidian + Chrome (Google Scholar Index), etc.
  • Virtual desktop 9: Communication scenario 1: Casual chats, e.g.: Telegram + Reddit + .
  • Virtual desktop 9: Communication scenario 2: Work communication, e.g.: Slack + Skype + Gmail.
  • Virtual desktop 9: Communication scenario 3: Presentation, e.g.: Google Meeting + (Vscode | Page application | Requirements document | Feedback document).
  • Virtual desktop 0: Entertainment scenario 1: Playing games, e.g.: Age of Empires, Minecraft, Skyrim, Overcooked 2, etc.
  • Virtual desktop 0: Entertainment scenario 3: Watching movies, listening to songs, e.g.: PotPlayer, Youtube Music, etc...
  • ... More examples are welcome. Provide Issues or PRs for supplementation.

Snowstar does not recommend you handle too many tasks at the same time, but CapsLockX can save your thinking environment, greatly reducing the mental cost you incur during task switching, that is, saving you a lot of time rearranging windows and the resulting loss of attention.

(Note: If you like to handle many tasks at the same time, you might need not only a computer with not a small amount of memory but also a brain of significant capacity :D )

Enhancing the User Experience of Windows Window Switching - Win+Tab

When switching windows with Alt+Tab, if there are too many windows, a two-dimensional window pre-arrangement display will show up. Generally speaking, Alt+Tab and Alt+Shift+Tab are purely left-handed keystrokes. If the user wants to select the window in the next line, they will instinctively press Alt+Tab many times. However, the directional keys used for two-dimensional operations are often ignored because the right hand is usually on the mouse or on the J key.

Also, users will continue to hold down the Alt key after releasing the Tab key to browse the windows and select the target window to switch to. In CLX, Alt+WASD will be used instead of the arrow keys to perform multiline window switching directly with the left hand, so there is no need to press Shift to go back to the left. Moreover, if a user needs to clean up or close multiple windows, they simply press Alt+X to batch clean multiple target windows while remaining within the window browsing interface.

In CLX, these features greatly improve the usability of Alt+Tab.


Click to expand TODO-docs

Focus count: Active window, default active window, …

Each desktop has only one active focus window, and the virtual desktop can achieve automatic switching to the focus window of that virtual desktop when switching to it, achieving multiple task focuses (i.e., active windows).

Utilizing Multiple Screens - Multi-screening

Window Arrangement in the Era of 4K - Window arrange with 4k screen

Default window arrangement limitations in Windows 10:

  1. Not applicable to multiple desktops.
  2. Unnecessary window gaps are too large.
Window Management on Linux and Mac - Window Manager in Linux and mac

TODO: i3 Window Management

Window Management on Android and iOS - Window Manage in android

Two system-level solutions: Left-right top-bottom split screen, floating windows; Application level: floating components,

Troubles with Editing Operations

The Distance Between the Typing Area and Editing Control Area

TODO Discussion on ThinkPad and Mac arrow keys, inspiration from VIM,

Human Perception of Speed

TODO: World perception of exponential growth, focus, auditory, visual, tactile, VS conventional linear operations

Troubles with the Graphical User Interface

TODO: Document: Introduction to mouse simulation function, movement in RPG games

Shortcut Deficiencies in Software

TODO: Application enhancement module introduction

The Usability of Portable Keyboards

TODO: FN key, arrow keys, editing operations, 61-key layout vs 87-key layout,

The Concept of Chording

TODO Various types of chording TODO Calculation of information quantity increase with chording

Module Helps

Help Module

If you wish to learn how to develop plugins for CapsLockX, please:

  1. Open Modules/@Help.ahk, where you can understand the basic format of a CapsLockX plugin.
  2. Copy it and rename it to your own plugin name.
  3. Change its original function to the functionality you need, and you have completed the plugin development!

The functions of this module are as follows

Applies to Key Combination Function
Global CapsLockX + / Temporarily display hotkey tips.
Global CapsLockX + Alt + / 🔗 Open the full documentation page for CapsLockX.
Global CapsLockX + Shift + / 🕷 Submit bugs, suggestions, etc.

Anki Enhancement Module

Anki Operation Enhancements

Common Features

  1. Use WASD or HJKL to quickly and continuously (and reversibly) switch flashcards.
  2. Create a two-column list of words in Excel, select all and copy, then press Alt + i in Anki to quickly import the word list.
  3. Simplify the four options to three directional keys: easy with left arrow, medium with down arrow, difficult with right arrow, undo with up arrow.
  4. Compatible with game controllers, configuring the joystick to map to the directional keys using XPadder. For effects, please see the bilibili video "How I Memorize Words Using a Game Controller" at https://www.bilibili.com/video/av8456838/


Mode Anki Enhancement Module Description
In Anki-Study Interface w or k or ↑ Press=Undo, Release=Show Answer
In Anki-Study Interface a or h or ← Press=Easy, Release=Show Answer
In Anki-Study Interface s or j or ↓ Press=Good, Release=Show Answer
In Anki-Study Interface

OneNote 2016 - 2019 Enhancement

Enhance keyboard operations for OneNote 2016 - 2019, enabling convenient use of the keyboard for changing pens, creating links, organizing pages, adjusting views, and more.

Xingmiao's Frequently Used Features

  1. When making a journal entry, first add a date tag to the note title with Alt + T (for future search), then use Win + Shift + N globally to search for all notes with today's tag in OneNote, which makes it easy to retrieve your daily records: love diary, training log, daily booklist, project report, etc. Writing a diary in OneNote is very convenient and easily accessible without the need to search XD.
  2. Select a word and press Alt + K to list all the linked pages below that word, making it easy to create an index directory and weave your OneNote into a web.
  3. Create a new note named "My Clipboard", and CLX will automatically append any copied text or images to this note for easy collection of information or article clippings.
  4. Alt + 1234567 level folds, switch easily between different levels of abstract thinking.

Keyboard Layout Design (

iFlytek Input Method Floating Window Plugin


Scope Key Function Description
Global Win + Alt + H Launch/Switch iFlytek Voice Input


  1. If iFlytek Voice is not installed, it will automatically prompt to download and install.

Effect as shown in the figure below

![App-iFlytek Voice Input Method Floating Window Demo.gif](./docs/media/App-iFlytek Voice Input Method Floating Window Demo.gif)

CLX - Brainstorm

Activate AI-assisted input at any time, in any input field, by pressing CLX+b.

Key Map (In Development)

Key Description Function Notes
CLX + b Copy the current selection, enter a command to let AI assist your typing
CLX + Alt + b Configure activation code (currently only a free plan, additional functionalities may be introduced in the future)
CLX + Shift + b Check usage quota


Organize meeting notes at any time
  1. Use Win+H inside any input field to bring up voice typing, then speak what you want to type. Don't worry about the accuracy of voice input; just get the gist of it across.
  2. Then select all and press CLX+b, type list key points and tasks to see the key points and tasks AI has organized for you.
Translate any language to any language on the fly
  1. In any input field, select the text

Editing Enhancement Plugin (TG YUIO HJKL) 🌟

Is there anything greater than Vim mode's HJKL for moving the cursor on this planet? This is a must-have! That's where the HJKL fluid editing experience with acceleration comes in! How about trying some high-end moves with your cursor, like taking corners in a drainpipe? Install it!


Scope Edit Module Description
Global(Basic) CapsLockX + h j k l Arrow keys up, down, left, right
Global(Basic) CapsLockX + y o Home End
Global(Basic) CapsLockX + u i PageUp PageDown
Global(Basic) CapsLockX + [ ] Shift+Tab and Tab
Global(Basic) CapsLockX + g Enter
Global(Advanced) CapsLockX + t Delete

Surface Notebook Function Key Expansion

Perfect solution for malfunctioning laptop keyboards.

  1. No right Ctrl key? Combine Menu with right Ctrl—either use Menu as Ctrl or Ctrl as Menu, both ways work.
  2. Missing Pause key? Win + Alt + P can also access system settings info.
  3. To be added.
Mode Key Combination Function
Global Win + Alt + P Equivalent to Win + Pause, specially tailored for laptops
Global Tap right Ctrl once Simulates a Menu key press to bring up the context menu
Global Hold down right Menu Acts as holding the Ctrl key, allowing combination with other keys
With Win key simulation enabled Hold ']' and press '[' Functions as pressing the Win key
With Win key simulation enabled RAlt + ' ' functions as pressing Alt+Tab but on the right hand side

Media Keys Module

Applicable to Media Keys Module Description
Global CapsLockX + F1 Open: My Computer
Global CapsLockX + F2 Open: Calculator
Global CapsLockX + F3 Open: Browser Homepage
Global CapsLockX + F4 Open: Media Library (defaults to Windows Media Player)
Global CapsLockX + F5 Play: Pause/Play
Global CapsLockX + F6 Play: Previous track
Global CapsLockX + F7 Play: Next track
Global CapsLockX + F8 Play: Stop
Global CapsLockX + F9 Volume up
Global CapsLockX + F10 Volume down


Mouse Emulation Plugin (WASD QERF)

This is a segment from the author of SimClick Emulation Click, a work that simulates mouse function through a grid subdivision method, which can complement this project.

— Recommended by Qin Jinwei


  • This module uses the key area: CapsLockX + QWER ASDF
  • It's very comfortable to use WASD QE RF to emulate [the full] mouse functionality. Believe me, after trying this feeling, you'll like it.
  • When moving the pointer, it will automatically stick to various buttons and hyperlinks. The exponential growth acceleration mechanism of the wheel makes you no longer fear super long articles and web pages.
  • The effect is shown in the image: CLX-Mouse.gif

Instructions for use are as follows

Applies to Keys Description
Global CapsLockX + w a s d Mouse movement (up, down, left, right)
Global CapsLockX + ad Switch HJKL to wheel mode (scroll up, down, left, right)
Global `Caps
Applicable to Shortcut Effect
Global CapsLockX + - Calculate the JavaScript expression in the current selection and replace
Global CapsLockX + = Calculate the JavaScript expression in the current selection and replace

Window Enhancement Plugin (CLX + 1234567890 ZXCV)

Feature Overview

Make the most of Win 10's built-in 10 virtual desktops, automatic window arrangement for multiple monitors, transparency with always-on-top, and note that taskbar and AltTab related features are currently not compatible with Win11, though window arrangement functions normally.

  1. Window Switching: CapsLockX + [Shift] + Z
  2. Window Closing: CapsLockX + [Shift] + X
  3. Window Arrangement: `CapsLockX + [Shift] + C

Quick Input

Mode Shortcut Input Description
Global #D# Date input: (20220217)
Global #T# Time input: (20220217.220717)
Global #DT# Date and time input: 2022-02-17 22:07:33
Global `

Pomodoro Timer

A fixed 25-minute cycle for rest reminders.

Use CapsLockX + , to open the configuration, then change EnableScheduleTasks=1 to enable this plugin.

  • Use Pomodoro chimes (Work bell sounds at 00 and 30 minutes past the hour, rest bell at 25 and 55 minutes past each hour) (Requires scheduled tasks to be enabled)

  • When using Pomodoro chimes, automatically switch the desktop wallpaper (set rest wallpaper to 1, work wallpaper to 2)


Note: If you only want the sound without automatically switching wallpapers, you might want to try this Chrome extension Tomato Life - Chrome Web Store

Additional Note: This plugin has been spun

Auto Screen Off When Locking

When pressing Win + L to lock the screen, the monitor turns off immediately. This is useful for preparing to sleep by turning off the computer screen so it doesn't hurt your eyes while sleeping... When pressing Win + Alt + L the monitor turns off immediately. This is useful for preparing to sleep by turning off the computer screen so it doesn't hurt your eyes while sleeping...

Past and Future 🛰

Production Background (Autumn of 2017) 🍁 Background

I often write code… At first, I was used to using the mouse with my right hand... later I found it a bit far to put the mouse on the right... so I switched to using the mouse with my left hand. After switching to the left hand, I realized I still had to take it off the keyboard... so I made a script that simulates the mouse with the WASD keys. (Then I could keep playing with the computer with my right hand under my chin) Later I wrote more and more scripts and put some of the common ones together to load...

Development RoadMap 🛰️ RoadMap

The core philosophy of CapsLockX is to simplify system operation logic, improve operation efficiency, and not conflict with existing habitual key positions.

  1. Press CapsLockX + - key to display corresponding help (the current display style is quite rough)
  2. i18n (eh this really should exist)
  3. Auto-update (although git pull is also fine)
  4. Tutorial for first-time users (this is a bit simple now...)
  5. Plugin manager (although the file system could handle it too)
  6. Auto-sync of configuration (though throwing it in OneDrive is usually enough)
  7. A user-friendly options configuration UI (though changing ini isn't that hard)
  8. Execute external code (Python, Nodejs, external AHK, Bash, …) (although running a script isn't much trouble)

If you have any ideas or suggestions, please propose them here: Issues · snomiao/CapslockX

Key Combination Meaning Design ⌨ Chore Design

Win + series are generally used for operating system functions, desktop window application process management, input method, output device (display, multiple screens) management.

Alt + series typically denote invocation of application internal functions, their meanings should be equivalent to pressing the same function button, or jumping to a specific function interface.

Ctrl + series as above, but used more frequently and it's very likely that there is no button with the same function.

Ctrl + Alt + same as above, but generally for global hotkeys.

The Shift key is used to slightly change the meaning of the above functions (such as reverse operations like Shift+Alt+Tab, or extended function range like Shift+Arrow keys to adjust the selection, etc.)


CapsLockX vs. Similar Projects Function Comparison ⚔ Feat Compare Matrix

Updated (20200627) The information may become outdated over time

Feature\Project CapsLockX Vonng/CapsLock coralsw/CapsEz CapsLock+
Mouse Simulation ✅ Smooth and complete ✅ No scroll wheel 🈚 None 🈚 None
Expression Calculation ✅ Nodejs or JScript 🈚 None 🈚 None ✅ TabScript (Snippet + Javascript)
Window Management ✅ Strong ✅ Available ✅ Available ✅ Strong
Virtual Desktop Management ✅ Available 🈚 None 🈚 None 🈚 None
Editing Enhancement ✅ Available (parabolic model) ✅ Available ✅ Available ✅ Very comprehensive
Portable (No Install) ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
Enhanced Media Keys Not all ✅ All 🈚 None 🈚 None
Enhanced Clipboard Weak 🈚 None 🈚 None ✅ Available
Quick Application Launch ✅ Plugins ✅ Available ✅ Available ✅ Available
Application Feature Enhancement ✅ Rich 🈚 None ✅ Available 🈚 None
Bash Control 🈚 None ✅ Available 🈚 None 🈚 None
Quick Start Voice Input ✅ iFLYTEK 🈚 None 🈚 None 🈚 None
Quick Input of Time and Date ✅ Available ✅ Available
Bind Window to Hotkey 🈚 None 🈚 None 🈚 None ✅ Available
Quick Screen Rotation ✅ Available 🈚 None 🈚 None 🈚 None
Secondary Development ✅ Documentation friendly ✅ Possible ✅ Possible ✅ Possible
Memory Usage ✅ About 2~3M
Modularization 🈚 None 🈚 None 🈚 None
System Win Mac (main), Win (secondary) Win Win, Mac
Supported Languages English / Chinese / Any Language (by ChatGPT) Chinese / English Chinese Chinese / English

CapsLockX Address 🔗 Project Urls

The following repositories are updated synchronously:

Document Address 📄

Star Chart ⭐️

  • Stargazers over time

Similar Project Addresses 🔗 Similar Projects

Questions and Answers ❓ Questions

Related Communities:

For questions related to CapsLockX, you can directly join the group @雪星 or ask privately.

Privacy and Security 🔒 Privacy

Considering that any software that can obtain administrative rights is quite dangerous to a user's operating system, CapsLockX must and is currently adopting an open-source approach. This allows the community to freely and arbitrarily inspect any part of the CapsLockX code that may be involved, to ensure that the security of all users' operating systems is not compromised by this software.

Support ⭐️ Supports

How to help CapsLockX survive? If CapsLockX has been helpful to you:

  1. ⭐️ Please star CapsLockX on Github Star
  2. 🔗 Please share it with your friends.
  3. 🌐 Welcome to help translate this documentation into different languages.
  4. 🐞 Welcome to submit bugs and suggestions for improvement issues
  5. Code PR submissions are welcome, even just to correct a typo ~
  6. Welcome to create works about this software, such as recording tutorial videos to post on Youtube or Bilibili, Xue Xing will like your video.
  7. 💰 Welcome to donate to the development of CapsLockX, each donation will be recorded in the list below:

Donation Records (as of 20210821) 📄 Donate Records

Donation Date Name Channel Amount Comment
2021-06-19 **Yu Alipay QR +50.00 CNY A little support, in favor of independent developers
2023-05-12 Karawen WeChat Transfer +200.00 CNY 🫡 (Salute)
2023-06-09 @andriasw Alipay Transfer +66.66 CNY for CapsLockX-mac, 66.66 is good (https://github.com/andriasw)
2023-12-19 Huidan QQ Red Packet +45.00 CNY Buy the developer a coffee

Acknowledgements 🙏🏻 Thanks

Related Topics for References

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