
ansible infrastructure scripts for side projects

MIT LicenseMIT


ansible infrastructure scripts for side projects


  • Ansible (Tested on v2.7.0)
  • Github API Token (For secure repo cloning - Token needs private repo access if applicable and write:public_key access)


  • Clone down the repository.
git clone https://github.com/cynical89/ansible-infrastructure.git
  • Navigate inside the ansible-infrastructure folder.
cd ansible-infrastructure
  • Edit your config. There are several variables at the top of the yml files with the text CHANGEME by them. Replace with your own values.

  • Make sure your remote host has your ssh key copied to it

ssh-copy-id root@ip
Example : ssh-copy-id root@
  • Start it up.
ansible-playbook -i ip, ./folder/flavor.yml
Example : ansible-playbook -i, ./Centos7/node-redis-couch.yml
  • Enjoy!