
:koala: A starter kit for a slightly opinionated Koa API project.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

🐨 koa-starter-api

A starter kit for a slightly opinionated Koa API project.


I built this project as a companion to my koa-starter-api. It's a pared down version with a few API specific features. It also includes some basic helper interfaces for MongoDB and CouchDB.

I'm also including goodies from:



  • Clone down the repository.
git clone https://github.com/snollygolly/koa-starter-api.git
  • Install packages (from inside the koa-starter-api folder).
npm install
  • Create your config. There's a config.example.json file in the root. Edit it to include all your values for the site and your OAuth information. Save it as config.json and leave it in the root.

  • If you want to use Google Analytics, set config.site.analytics to your Tracking ID and make sure the analytics partial (analytics.hbs) contains the correct Universal Analytics tracking code. If you don't want to use Google Analytics, remove that property or set it to false.

  • Start it up.

npm start
  • Enjoy!

Extra Information

While koa-starter-api isn't a framework, I've added a few small extras to make getting your project up and started as easy as possible.

Response Format

Every response from the API includes an error property that is set to false if the request was successful and true is the request threw an error. The data you set in ctx.body will be available in the result property.

If the request throws an error, it will be set in the response as message. You might want to disable this in production (you can do that in index.js).