
A new Flutter project.

Before Development

Get Token from then store in lib/config.dart

class Config {
  static String thaiPostApiKey = "BeV4EvNiUISfC-BTNjBLH^UdZmR0BUPlE8F@P\$UHZXJ1BmG0O=XqO|O1N\$X*CiReLnY3UiVLP6RkV9S*GtRxFsBq";


  • Convert date formating on Transportation widgets
  • Show some text or error message when tracking is empty or wrong barcode number on Transportation widgets
  • Add date field for Package and should order by date when fetching this data
  • Stored token on sqlite because token has a mounth expire and change the logic of get token (now, check only token is not empty)
  • Localizations

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