
pdf Hunt3r A simple effective pdf Hunter! A simple script with python that seek for your query inside pdf files using Google! pdfHuNt3r is a simple yet effective PDF Hunter! This Python script seeks your query inside PDF files using Google.

Primary LanguagePython

pdf Hunt3r 📄

Your Ultimate PDF Tracker!

Are you tired of sifting through endless PDF files to find that elusive nugget of information? Look no further! pdfHuNt3r is here to save the day. 🌟

What is pdfHuNt3r?

A simple & effective pdf Hunter!

It’s a sleek Python script designed to hunt down your specific queries within PDF files. Think of it as your trusty bloodhound, sniffing out those hidden gems buried in digital documents.

Why pdfHuNt3r? 🔍


No complicated setup or convoluted instructions. Just fire up the script and let it do the heavy lifting. Effectiveness: Powered by Google, pdfHuNt3r scours the web for relevant PDFs, ensuring you get the freshest content.


Specify your query, sit back, and watch pdfHuNt3r work its magic. It’s like having a personal detective for your research needs.

How Does It Work?

Launch pdfHuNt3r: Execute the script with a single command. Enter Your Query: Tell pdfHuNt3r what you’re after (e.g., “quantum physics,” “chocolate chip cookie recipes,” or “ancient alien theories”).

Let the Hunt Begin: pdfHuNt3r scours the vast expanse of PDFs, tracking down relevant files faster than you can say “caffeine boost.”

Remember: pdfHuNt3r isn’t just a tool; it’s your secret weapon in the battle against information overload.

So go ahead, unleash the hunter within! 🕵️‍♂️

Disclaimer: No bananas were harmed during the making of pdfHuNt3r. 🍌


Ensure you have git and python installed. If not, you can install them as follows:

 sudo apt install git 

 sudo apt install python
 pip install googlesearch-python
 Clone the pdfHuNt3r repository:
 git clone https://github.com/privrelay897698/pdfHuNt3r
 cd pdfHuNt3r
 Run the script:
 python pdfh3r.py


Use with caution and respect.

The author is not liable for any actions you take.

This app is solely for educational purposes.

How It Works

The Query Whirlwind: Feed it a question, a query, a whisper in the wind. The app nods sagely and sets off on its quest.

Google’s Web of Secrets: It scours the vast expanse of the internet, tapping into Google’s knowledge. Think of it as a digital Indiana Jones, minus the fedora.

Results Unveiled: There it is—the answer, the missing link, the hidden gem. Whether you seek trivia or life-changing revelations, this app delivers.

The script also comes with concealed features… 🕵️‍♂️

The Script

100% Python

from googlesearch import search

def find_pdf(query): """ Searches for PDFs online using Google Search.

    query: The search terms for finding PDFs.

    A list of URLs containing potentially relevant PDFs.
# Add 'filetype:pdf' to search specifically for PDFs
search_term = query + " filetype:pdf"
results = search(search_term)
return results

def main(): """ Prompts the user for a search query and displays results. """ query = input("Enter your search query: ") pdf_links = find_pdf(query) for link in pdf_links: print(link) print("Happy hunting!")

if name == 'main': main()

Feel free to explore the hidden tricks within! 🕵️‍♀️

pdf HuNt3R - The pdf

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