
The Kitchen sink Application will be a tool to test the functionality of the APIs across platforms as well as showcase the usage of the APIs. Tracking bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=830876

Primary LanguageJavaScript

KitchenSink App

The Kitchen sink Application will be a tool to test the functionality of the APIs across platforms as well as showcase the usage of the APIs.

Tracking bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=830876

FxOS Installation

Easily install packaged and hosted apps using the Firefox OS remote debugging protocols.

How it works

  1. Makefile: (Packaged app only) Package all files from folder into application.zip
  2. Makefile: Move important files to phone via adb
  3. Makefile: Forward remote debugging port (6000) from device to computer (via adb)
  4. Makefile: Run install.js via xpcshell
  5. install.js: Remotely install app from folder using the Webapp Actor.


Extract the following packages ~/bin.

If you choose a different path, change the variables in Makefile):

XPCSHELL = ~/bin/xulrunner-sdk/bin/xpcshell
ADB = ~/bin/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb

XULRunner (XPCShell)


Android SDK (ADB)


Device Setup

Enable Remote Debugging in Settings > Device Information > Developer.



See folder my-package. Your app should at least have an index.html and a manifest.webapp with the correct launch_path. App type can be either web or privileged.

Install packaged app from folder ``

make FOLDER=my-package packaged install


See my-hosted folder. Your folder only needs to contain manifest.webapp and a metadata.json. In most cases you only need to adapt origin in metadata.json and launch_path in the manifest.

Install hosted app from folder my-hosted:

make FOLDER=my-hosted hosted install