
Node.js library to implement a HAP (HomeKit) controller

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


npm GitHub License Dependency status

This library allows you to build a HomeKit controller, capable of discovering and controlling both Wi-Fi and BLE devices.


Use npm to install the package:

npm install hap-controller

# OR

yarn add hap-controller


The IP and BLE APIs are very similar and only differ where it makes sense, given protocol differences.

Device Discovery

const {BLEDiscovery, IPDiscovery} = require('hap-controller');

const ipDiscovery = new IPDiscovery();
ipDiscovery.on('serviceUp', (service) => {
  // ...

const bleDiscovery = new BLEDiscovery();
bleDiscovery.on('serviceUp', (service) => {
  // ...
bleDiscovery.start();  // pass true if disconnected events are needed


const {GattClient, HttpClient} = require('hap-controller');

const ipClient = new HttpClient(id, address, port);
ipClient.identify().then(() => {
  // ...
}).catch((e) => console.error(e));

const bleClient = new GattClient(id, peripheral);
bleClient.identify().then(() => {
  // ...
}).catch((e) => console.error(e));

Pair Setup

const {GattClient, HttpClient} = require('hap-controller');

const ipClient = new HttpClient(id, address, port);
ipClient.pairSetup(pin).then(() => {
  // keep this data
  console.log(JSON.stringify(ipClient.getLongTermData(), null, 2));
}).catch((e) => console.error(e));

const bleClient = new GattClient(id, peripheral);
bleClient.pairSetup(pin).then(() => {
  // keep this data
  console.log(JSON.stringify(bleClient.getLongTermData(), null, 2));
}).catch((e) => console.error(e));

Manage Pairings

const {GattClient, HttpClient} = require('hap-controller');

const ipClient = new HttpClient(id, address, port, pairingData);
ipClient.listPairings().then(() => {
  // ...
}).catch((e) => console.error(e));

ipClient.removePairing(identifier).then(() => {
  // ...
}).catch((e) => console.error(e));

const bleClient = new GattClient(id, peripheral, pairingData);
bleClient.listPairings().then(() => {
  // ...
}).catch((e) => console.error(e));

bleClient.removePairing(identifier).then(() => {
  // ...
}).catch((e) => console.error(e));

Accessory Database

const {GattClient, HttpClient} = require('hap-controller');

const ipClient = new HttpClient(id, address, port, pairingData);
ipClient.getAccessories().then((accessories) => {
  // ...
}).catch((e) => console.error(e));

const bleClient = new GattClient(id, peripheral, pairingData);
bleClient.getAccessories().then((accessories) => {
  // ...
}).catch((e) => console.error(e));

Get/Set Characteristics

const {GattClient, GattUtils, HttpClient} = require('hap-controller');

const ipClient = new HttpClient(id, address, port, pairingData);
    meta: true,
    perms: true,
    type: true,
    ev: true,
).then((characteristics) => {
  // ...
}).catch((e) => console.error(e));

ipClient.setCharacteristics({'1.10': true}).then(() => {
  // ...
}).catch((e) => console.error(e));

const bleClient = new GattClient(id, peripheral, pairingData);
      serviceUuid: '...',         // the "type" property
      characteristicUuid: '...',  // the "type" property
      iid: 10,
      format: 'bool',             // if known
    meta: true,
    perms: true,
    type: true,
    ev: true,
).then((characteristics) => {
  // ...
}).catch((e) => console.error(e));

      serviceUuid: '...',         // the "type" property
      characteristicUuid: '...',  // the "type" property
      iid: 10,
      value: GattUtils.valueToBuffer(true, 'bool'),
).then(() => {
  // ...
}).catch((e) => console.error(e));

Subscribe/Unsubscribe Characteristics

const {GattClient, HttpClient} = require('hap-controller');

const ipClient = new HttpClient(id, address, port, pairingData);

ipClient.on('event', (ev) => {
  // ...

let connection;
ipClient.subscribeCharacteristics(['1.10']).then((conn) => {
  connection = conn;
  // ...
}).catch((e) => console.error(e));

ipClient.unsubscribeCharacteristics(['1.10'], connection).then(() => {
  // ...
}).catch((e) => console.error(e));

const bleClient = new GattClient(id, peripheral, pairingData);

bleClient.on('event', (ev) => {
  // ...

      serviceUuid: '...',         // the "type" property
      characteristicUuid: '...',  // the "type" property
      iid: 10,
      format: 'bool',             // if known
).then(() => {
  // ...
}).catch((e) => console.error(e));

      serviceUuid: '...',         // the "type" property
      characteristicUuid: '...',  // the "type" property
).then(() => {
  // ...
}).catch((e) => console.error(e));


Examples of all of the APIs can be found in the GitHub repo.


Please feel free to open an issue or a pull request if you find something that could use improvement.