
AI project 1 - Search Agent

Primary LanguageJava

###PuzzleSolver Main is located in main.

Java 1.8 was used.

Search agent contains all logic.

I only used class notes and Java documentation.

I also worked with Brian Amaratunga and Jake Halloran.

We worked through understanding the problems and helped each other with architectural decisions.

I have implemented BFS search and unicost search and partially implemented iddfs.

I am currently traversing generic states that map to each respective problem, and the problems are responsible for generating these traversible states of the SearchAgent.

The problems still need fleshing out with regards to mapping them to states, but I believe that the traversal will still work. I will certainly come in to office hours for further understanding if necessary.

##TODOS Figure out how to use the compare for both greedy and Astar.

Figure out how to map the problem states to the search agent states

Figure out how to do heuristic functions outside of problem

Do I generate the whole graph and then navigate it?

-Sam Nosenzo