
C++/Python 3 utilities for common vision tasks, e.g. streaming, visualization or image manipulation.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


C++/Python 3 utilities for common vision tasks, e.g. streaming, visualization or image manipulation.

Note: As of 01/2020 this repository is WIP, I'm rewriting my utilities (especially simplifying the streaming module) over the next couple of months.

Current status (12/2020):
cloc --exclude-dir=.venv3,build,cmake,third-party,gen,doc,generated --exclude-lang=make,XML .
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
C++                             64           4305           2306          23566
C/C++ Header                    56           1600           1827           4435
Python                          25            841           1030           3172
CMake                           12            270            248           1179
Markdown                         3             97              0            389
Bourne Shell                     3             41             77            251
SUM:                           163           7154           5488          32992

What is it good for?

Some of vcp's highlights:

  • Best effort multiple device streaming with the vcp::best module. Useful for quick camera tests and whenever (guaranteed) synchronisation isn't crucial. The goal of this module is to stream from multiple devices simultaneously, without having the ROS overhead. A simple libconfig++-style configuration file allows you to process all streams both in C++ and python. For more details, see the separate BESt.md documentation.

  • Background subtraction is provided by the vcp::bgm module, for example:

    Background Subtraction

  • Visualization utilities are provided by the vcp::imvis module, for example:

    Visualization Example

  • Pseudocoloring for data visualization/analysis is also provided by the vcp::imvis module. Back when I started working on this library, OpenCV didn't provide pseudocoloring capabilities. The vcp::imvis module allows visualization via common color maps (you might remember these from such frameworks as MATLAB, matplotlib, and whatnot).

    Pseudocoloring Example

  • Math utilities - besides enabling most of the fancy visualizations within vcp::imvis, you can also do basic geometry tasks with the vcp::math module (e.g. computing tangents of circles, line (segment) intersection, and quite a lot more).

    Geometry Example

  • C++ utilities - for basic file/path and string manipulation, sorting, and more (if you want to avoid heavier dependencies, such as Boost).

Repository Contents

  • ./build-scripts - shell scripts to prepare the build system, build the libraries, etc.
  • ./cmake - CMake utilities (incl. custom Find<package>.cmake scripts).
  • ./examples - example usage of these utilities.
  • ./src - source code for all C++ modules and python bindings.
  • ./third-party - third party dependencies (which are not part of default system packages).


  • If you want to build the C++ library and Python3 bindings, simply run ./build-scripts/build-ubuntu-18.04.sh, this will:
    • Check and ask you to install missing system packages.
    • Configure the build (depending on which optional packages you installed, e.g. libk4a to stream from Azure Kinect).
    • Build the C++ vcp libraries and corresponding Python3 bindings.
    • Build the example applications and prepare the virtual environment for Python demos.
  • If you prefer to do it on your own, crank up CMake:
    $ cd <VCP_ROOT_DIR>
    $ mkdir build && cd build
    $ cmake -DVCP_BUILD_PYTHON=ON ..
    $ make -j install
  • The default install location (for make install) of vcp is <VCP_ROOT_DIR>/gen.
    • Public C++ headers are inside <VCP_ROOT_DIR>/gen/include.
    • vcp library files are inside <VCP_ROOT_DIR>/gen/lib.
    • The Python3 package is located at <VCP_ROOT_DIR>/gen/vcp.


This repository comes with a few "tools", i.e. standalone applications that go beyond simple demos/examples. Currently (as of Jan/2020), there are only python applications available, which you can find at <VCP_ROOT_DIR>/examples/python3/tools.

  • Set up the virtual environment. If you didn't use the ./build-scripts/build-X.sh script to prepare the library, you should run:

    $ cd <VCP_ROOT_DIR>/examples/python3
    $ ./prepare_environment_py3.sh
    $ source .venv3/bin/activate
    $ cd tools
  • Extrinsic multi-camera calibration. For partially overlapping multi-camera setups, you can use the calibrate-extrinsics.py UI to estimate the camera poses using AprilTags.
    For example, calibrating two Azure Kinects via python tools/calibrate-extrinsics.py ../data/data-best/kinects.cfg 225 --max-depth 10000 --max-ir 255 looks like this (depth measurements are visualized as surface normals, reflectivity of the infrared stream is shown as heatmap, TODO explain (?)):

    Camera Extrinsics Example

  • 3D image plots. Plot a single image (plot-image.py) or an image sequence (plot-image-sequence.py) by interactively adjusting the camera extrinsics.

    Image Sequence Example

  • Image abstraction: cartoonification, pixelation, etc. can be experimented with via cartoonify.py.


Besides the more complex tools, there are also simple demos showcasing the library capabilities.


  • The C++ applications at <VCP_ROOT_DIR>/examples/cpp demonstrate how you can use vcp from your own CMake projects. After building the vcp library, building these examples is as easy as:
    $ cd <VCP_ROOT_DIR>/examples
    $ mkdir build && cd build
    $ cmake ..
    $ make -j
  • Highly recommended examples (best/well documented, useful functionality):
    • best_demo


  • You can find Python3 examples for all modules at <VCP_ROOT_DIR>/examples/python3.
    $ cd <VCP_ROOT_DIR>/examples/python3
    # Set up the virtual environment
    $ ./prepare_environment_py3.sh
    $ source .venv3/bin/activate
    $ python imvis_demo.py
  • Highly recommended examples (best/well documented, useful functionality):
    • bgm_demo.py - Usage example of the background subtraction module.
    • geometry_demoy.py - Usage example of the math2d and math3d modules.
    • imutils_demo.py - Usage example of the imutils (image manipulation) module.
    • imvis_demo.py - Usage example for visualization utilities within the imvis module.


While all of vcp has been tested "in-the-wild", unit tests are rather sparse, unfortunately. Especially for the "best effort streaming" module, tests become quite difficult to automate (threading + the need for the specific hardware connected to the test server).


  • Testing the C++ core library requires gtest:
    $ sudo apt-get install libgtest-dev
    # This package does not provide binaries, so look for the installed
    # source at /usr/src. It should be (Ubuntu 18.04) at /usr/src/googletest.
    $ cd /usr/src/googletest
    $ sudo cmake CMakeLists.txt
    $ sudo make
    # Copy or symlink googlemock/gtest/libgtest.a 
    # and googlemock/gtest/libgtest_main.a to your /usr/lib folder
    $ sudo cp googlemock/gtest/*.a /usr/lib
  • Now vcp can be tested:
    $ cd <VCP_ROOT_DIR>/build
    # Enable tests and link the gtest libraries
    $ cmake -DVCP_BUILD_TESTS=ON ..
    $ make test 
    # Or, if you prefer:
    $ ctest -V


  • You can find the Python3 tests at <VCP_ROOT_DIR>/examples/python3, i.e. all files following the pattern test_*.py.
  • Testing requires pytest:
    $ cd <VCP_ROOT_DIR>/examples/python3
    $ source .venv3/bin/activate
    $ pip install pytest
    $ pytest


  • Additional tools/examples
    • C++ Viewer (resize streams and use liveview)
    • Qt Viewer
    • Capturing tool
  • Camera calibration (nice-to-have)
    • Intrinsic calibration
    • Extrinsic calibration