
PHP code for APIs on fnarg.net

Primary LanguageJavaScript


PHP code for APIs on fnarg.net

For some fun and learning api.fnarg.net is running a Hypermedia service. The design pattern that has been implemented is Mike Amundsens Collection+JSON. The service is only a partial implementation of the Collection+JSON specification. For example it is read-only. Nevertheless, it is freely available to anyone interested in developing a Hypermedia client.

Hypermedia designs are intentionally agnostic about the domain. The test data was sourced from the website of the National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration. There are ~2.5k tsunami events in the database. Each collection contains twenty items sorted in reverse chronological order from a given year.

Summary of the API endpoints

GET /tsunamis
GET /tsunamis?year=1961
GET /tsunamis/123

As you can see it pretty simple :). According to HATEOAS the API index should contain enough clues to discover the contents within. Here then, is the starting point for the dialogue.

>>> Request <<<
GET /tsunamis
Host: api.fnarg.net
Accept: application/vnd.collection+json

>>> Response <<<
200 OK HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/vnd.collection+json
Content-Length: xxx

    "collection": {
        "version": "1.0",
        "href": "http://api.fnarg.net/tsunamis",
        "queries": [
                "href": "http://api.fnarg.net/tsunamis",
                "rel": "search",
                "prompt": "Enter year in range -100 to current",
                "data": [
                        "name": "year",
                        "value": ""

Note that the response contains a queries template. The intention is that a client will use this when building a UI for searching. For an instant example of this try using a Collection+JSON client to call the API.

Error handling is fairly minimal. The service will complain if the year is not an integer and the Accept header is (of course) required.