
SQL Script to add Teleporter with options in every major city

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


SQL Script to add Teleporter with options in every major city

Source originally from Rochet2 -

Converted and expanded upon for use with AzerothCore

Original Hype Girl Stuff

Portal Master is a teleporter NPC for 3.3.5a. It has 130+ teleports including all zones in wow. Portal Master was created with blizzlike feeling and usability in mind.

The teleports are categorized and you can only see your own faction teleports. All teleports have the zone’s level requirement. This means that you can not teleport anywhere when at a lower level. The teleporter is spawned by default in every main city at the location of teleportation. Feel free to modify the SQL if you'd like to set a your own name and subname for the teleporter as well as a cost.
