
This repo is a collection of my 100 days of code journey, mostly focused on front-end web development.

Primary LanguageCSS

100 Days of Code

This repo is a collection of my 100 days of code journey, mostly focused on front-end web development. Project ideas mainly come from Daily UI challenges.


Login Page

Checkout Page

Float Label Form with Basic Validation

Score Meter


404 page

Music Player

Smooth Scroll

React SSR Template

Ladder Menu

Food Trivia Quiz

Hebera - Nightlife coordination app

Loading Progress Bar

Submit button with SVG animations

Alignment Button with Animations

Instant form validation

Testing Vanilla JS and HTML page using Jest

FreeCodeCamp related HTML projects:

Tribute Page

Survey Form

Product Landing Page

Technical Documentation Page

Personal Portfolio

Portfolio Page (Github)


Article: How to create responsive table in modern way

How to create your own instant form validation

Three things I learn after fighting with Google PageSpeed

Things I learned after writing tests for JS and HTML page

How to fix popup's scrolling on Safari


View my coding and thoughts here