
Join YouVote! This is an voting app for everyone! Made with ExpressJS and MongoDB.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Join YouVote! This is an voting app for everyone!

Made with ExpressJS and MongoDB, you can view all polls in this voting app or even create one after login.

User Story

  1. As an authenticated user, I can share my polls with my friends.
  2. As an authenticated user, I can see the aggregate results of my polls.
  3. As an authenticated user, I can delete polls that I decide I don't want anymore.
  4. As an authenticated user, I can create a poll with any number of possible items.
  5. As an unauthenticated or authenticated user, I can see and vote on everyone's polls.
  6. As an unauthenticated or authenticated user, I can see the results of polls in chart form.


View here.