A simple webapp to allow tracking of a given amount against a given currency, eg: I have XX invested in ETH, its currently worth XX, and I am UP or DOWN on my initial deposit...
PHP - A simple router to allow me to build a simple SPA with a route for the UI, and a route for the UI to call the data. The API route is pretty much just a proxy at present, which calls the CoinCap API
Vanilla JavaScript - This is a very simple project, that I doubt will be used by anyone but myself, and is pretty much just a little tool that my partner and I can use to easily check our very small investment in Ethereum
TailwindCSS - I've recently discovered TailwindCSS and I've decided it to use it on a few little personal projects to evaluate it. At some point, I plan to write a blog article about my impressions of it.
You'll need PHP7.1 and APACHE/NGINX to run this..