
Snitch is an IRC bot that watches edits on wikimedia projects and reports them to IRC if they match certain user-defied criterias; it is, in short, as stalkbot / watchlistbot

Primary LanguagePython

/* Snitch, an edit reporting bot for Wikimedia projects                                */
/*                                                                                     */
/* Original bot by bjweeks & MzMcBride, 2011 - released in public domain               */
/*         Some modifications by Jyothis, 2012 - https://github.com/Jyothis/snitchbot  */
/*                                                                                     */
/* Forked by Snowolf, 2012 at https://github.com/snowolfeu/snitch                      */
/*                                                                                     */
/* Fork changes: documentation, moving nickname to the settings file, example .db file */

Snitch sits in freenode, snatch sits on irc.wikimedia.org

1) Edit the settings.py.example file appropriately and rename it to settings.py
2) Run snitchbot.py
3) Join #snitch-test on freenode and do a !join #channelyouwant the bot to join
4) Do a !part on #snitch-test
5) Enjoy :)

It's probably best to just edit the sqlite3 file to make it join directly the channel you want.

	Cloaks of user who can use the !quit command | all other commands are unrestricted

	lists all commands

	Stalks the selected page/user/summary/log or all of the above
		!stalk wiki (page|user|summary|log|all) [pattern]
	replace wiki with the appropriate wiki, such as en.wikipedia

	Ignores the selected user/page/summary/log or all of the above
		!ignore wiki (page|user|summary|log|all) [pattern]
	Removes the selected page/user/summary/log or all of the above from the stalk list
		!unstalk wiki (page|user|summary|log|all) [pattern]
	replace wiki with the appropriate wiki, such as en.wikipedia
	Remove the selected user/page/summary/log or all of the above from the ignore list
		!ignore wiki (page|user|summary|log|all) [pattern]

	Lists all rules

	Join the desired channel
		!join #channel
	Parts the current channel

	Shuts down the bot (requires the user to be in the authorized list)