
An AHK script that adds some vim-like cursor movement keys to your entire system. Does not include any vim commands. Based on a a script from https://github.com/lydell/spacefn-win

Primary LanguageAutoHotkeyMIT LicenseMIT


An AHK script that adds some vim-like cursor movement keys to your entire system. Does not include any vim commands. Based on a a script from https://github.com/lydell/spacefn-win

Full list of remaps is as follows

k = Up

h = Left

j = Down

l = Right

o = End

u = PgDn

i = PgUp

' = End

g = Home

m = ``

, = ~

1 = F1

2 = F2

3 = F3

4 = F4

5 = F5

6 = F6

7 = F7

8 = F8

9 = F9

0 = F10

  • = F11

= = F12

x = Delete

s = Space

e = Escape