The power of Exceptional for PHP
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use OBV\Component\Exceptional\Exceptional;
You can turn off exception notifications by passing an empty string as the API key. This is great for development.
$apiKey = ('production' === PHP_ENV) ? 'YOUR-API-KEY' : '';
You can turn on SSL by setting the second parameter to true
Exceptional::setup($apiKey, true);
Additionally you can enable logging failed reports by passing path to folder as third parameter.
Exceptional::setup($apiKey, true, '/tmp/eio-logs');
require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
use OBV\Component\Exceptional\Exceptional;
use OBV\Component\Exceptional\CronRemote;
Exceptional::setup($apiKey, true, '/tmp/eio-logs');
You can blacklist sensitive fields from being submitted to Exceptional:
Exceptional::blacklist(array('password', 'creditcardnumber'));
Exceptional PHP catches both errors and exceptions. You can control which errors are caught. If you want to ignore certain errors, use error_reporting()
. Here's a common setting:
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE); // ignore notices
Custom error and exception handlers are supported - see examples/advanced.php.
Fatal and parse errors are caught, too - as long the setup file parses correctly.
Add the following code to your 404 handler to track 404 errors:
throw new \OBV\Component\Exceptional\Exception\Http404Error();
$context = array(
'user_id' => 1,
See the Exceptional documentation for more details.
You can include the controller and action names in your exceptions for easier debugging.
You can send exceptions through proxy server (no support for authentication).
Exceptional::proxy($host, $port);