
A simple node-fetch wrapper to include a cookie jar and proxy support.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A simple node-fetch wrapper to include a cookie jar and proxy support. Includes TypeScript typings.

The cookie jar does not separate cookies by domain.



  • Optional initial options for the session
  • Returns: SessionReturn: { cookieJar: CookieJarReturn, fetch: FetchFn })
initialOptions (extends node-fetch RequestInit options)
  initialCookie: string;

  // headers and proxy will be issued on all requests under this session
  headers: Record<string, string>;
  proxy: Proxy;


  • addCookies: (cookieString: string, setCookie?: boolean) => CookieJar
  • getCookies: () => string
  • getCookieValue: (name: string) => string

session.fetch(url, [, options])

  • url
  • options FetchRequestOptions
FetchRequestOptions (extends node-fetch RequestInit options)
  rejectOnFailure: boolean; // reject if !res.ok
  returnError: boolean; // rejections return null by default, `returnError` will return the error
  excludeCookies: boolean; // does not pass cookies into request, still adds any cookies received to the cookie jar
  proxy: string | httpsProxyAgent.HttpsProxyAgentOptions;
  parse: "json" | "text" | "buffer" | "blob" | "arrayBuffer";


import fetchSession from "fetch-session";

// Options all optional
const session = fetchSession({
initialCookie: "lang=en-US",
headers: {
Accept: "application/json",
"Accept-Language": "en-US",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
proxy: "https://user:pass@myproxy.com:5401"

(async () => {
await session.fetch("https://example.com/endpoint")
// Contains all cookies returned from the fetch, and will be passed into any following request.