Measure size of objects in an image using OpenCV
The project provides a script to read an image and based on the dimensions of a reference object find the dimensions of other objects in a scene. The reference object must be the leftmost object in the scene. In sample images given, a box of dimension 2cm x 2cm is taken as a reference object.
For any other reference object provide actual width of the object. (change line 59 in file '')
- Shadow effect: use dark braground
- Object boundry: use contrasting background
Getting Started
Python 3 Pip OpenCV Numpy
For python and pip installation follow this blog
- For windows
- For Linux
Other prerequisites:
- pip install numpy
- pip install opencv-python
- Image pre-processing
- Read an image and convert it it no grayscale
- Blur the image using Gaussian Kernel to remove un-necessary edges
- Edge detection using Canny edge detector
- Perform morphological closing operation to remove noisy contours
- Object Segmentation
- Find contours
- Remove small contours by calculating its area (threshold used here is 100)
- Sort contours from left to right to find the reference objects
- Reference object
- Calculate how many pixels are there per metric (centi meter is used here)
- Compute results
- Draw bounding boxes around each object and calculate its height and width
- Shashank Sharma