
Weather station based on ESP32 and MicroPython with sending data to Google Sheets

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Weather station based on ESP32 and MicroPython

This is a weather station based on ESP32 and MicroPython.

Here is a list of main features:

  • Measuring temperature and humidity with DHT22 sensor
  • Sending data to a Google sheet
  • Supporting Google OAuth 2.0 service to get access to the sheet
  • Configuring the device via web browser

The sheet doesn't need to be publicly available on the Internet. The device doesn't require any middleman such as PushingBox or IFTTT.

Below is a brief description how the project can be built. More details can be found in the following articles:

How to make a weather station

Here is a circuit and a breadboard view.

The project uses MicroPython 1.11. Older or newer versions may also work. The project uses the following tools:

  • esptool for flashing ESP32
  • mpfshell for uploading files to ESP32
  • minicom for connecting to ESP32 for debugging purposes
  • openssl and rsa package for reading cryptographic keys

Preparing a service account in Google IAM

To access a Google sheet, the project needs a service account:

The key is encoded in PKCS1 format. Unfortunately the project doesn't support PKCS1 yet. You need to convert the key to the format which the project undrstand:

$ cd scripts
$ sh extract_key.sh ../google_key.json ../key.json

You'll need key.json and an email for the sercvice account.

Creating a Google sheet

Create a Google sheet and extract its ID from the URL


Share the sheet with your service account. The sheet doesn't need to be publicly accessible from the Internet.

Preparing a configuration file

main.conf contains a configuration for the device. Provide the following parameters:

  • ssid and password are credentials for your Wi-Fi
  • google_service_account_email is an email for the Google's service account
  • google_sheet_id is the Google's sheet ID
  • measurement_interval is a mesurement interval in Xh Ym Zs format, for example, 1h 2m 3s

Uploading MicroPython

The following scripts may be used to upload MicroPython to ESP32:

$ sh scripts/erase.sh
$ sh scripts/flash.sh
$ sh scripts/verify.sh

Uploading code and configs

You can run sh scripts/upload.sh to upload the code, the configuration file and the key.

Then, you can connect to the board with sh scripts/minicon.sh command to check if everything works fine.

Configuration mode

The switch turns on the configuration mode. In this mode the device sets up a Wi-Fi access point, and start an HTTP server on The server provides a web page for updating the configuration of the device.


Further enhancements

Here is a list of possbile enhancements:

  1. Support BMP280 barometric pressure sensor
  2. Support DS18B20 temperature sensor
  3. Support MH-Z19 CO2 sensor
  4. Support PKCS1