40khz JJY server for Raspberry Pi

JJY server is time synchronization server in Japan, emitting 40khz or 60khz signals.

We use RPIO to use PWM.



sudo pip install RPIO


We use almost same configuration as an article of Nikke Computer.

  • a 30k ohm resistor
  • a LED
  • a 2SC1815
  • long wire (as an antenna).
GPIO4 (pin7) -> 30k ohm resistor -> base of 2SC1815

GND   (pin6) -> emitter of 2SC1815

VCC   (pin2) -> LED -> collector of 2SC1815
                    -> long wire


sudo python jjy.py

This transmits JJY signals from the 0 second of next minute. Put your JJY compatible clock near to the antenna, push sync button or so, and wait for it.