
Initialize an Expo managed React-Native application in Typescript with ReactNavigation and Redux preconfigured.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Welcome to expo-ts-init

npm version License: ISC

expo-ts-init is a small, no dependencies tool that initializes an Expo managed TypeScript React Native application with Redux and React Navigation pre-configured.


Use other versions at own risk

  • node >=16.13.0

  • yarn >=1.22.17

  • expo-cli >=4.12.1


assuming node.js is installed on your machine

Install from NPM

npm i expo-ts-init -g

Install from source

git clone https://github.com/sntsabode/expo-ts-init
cd expo-ts-init
npm i -g


expo-ts-init MyApp

The expo-ts-init command takes in one argument; the name of the Expo app being generated. This argument will be passed into the call to expo init, meaning a directory with the same name will be created in the current working directory. This directory is your app, and the boilerplate will be written into the same directory.

Running the expo-ts-init command will generate the initial project structure and install the necessary dependencies:

├── .expo-shared
├── assets
├── node_modules
├── src
|   ├── app
|   |   ├── hooks
|   |   |   └── redux
|   |   |       └── index.ts
|   |   ├── reducers
|   |   |   └── dummy
|   |   |       └── index.ts
|   |   └── store
|   |       └── index.ts
|   ├── components
|   |   └── Goodluck
|   |       └── index.tsx
|   ├── navigationStack
|   |   └── index.tsx
|   ├── screens
|   |   └── Home
|   |       └── index.tsx
|   └── styles
|       └── index.ts
├── .gitignore
├── app.json
├── App.tsx
├── babel.config.js
├── package.json
├── tsconfig.json
└── yarn.lock

Once it's finished...

cd MyApp

yarn start

Happy hacking.


👤 Sihle Masebuku

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