
Official PyTorch implementation of "Co-Mixup: Saliency Guided Joint Mixup with Supermodular Diversity" (ICLR'21 Oral)

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Co-Mixup: Saliency Guided Joint Mixup with Supermodular Diversity

This is the code for "Co-Mixup: Saliency Guided Joint Mixup with Supermodular Diversity" accepted at ICLR'21 Oral (paper). Some parts of the codes are borrowed from Puzzle Mix (link).

Co-Mixup image samples

Citing this Work

title={Co-Mixup: Saliency Guided Joint Mixup with Supermodular Diversity},
author={JangHyun Kim and Wonho Choo and Hosan Jeong and Hyun Oh Song},
booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},


This code was tested with
python 3.7.6
pytorch 1.7.0
torchvision 0.8.1
CUDA 11.1
cuDNN 7603

Also, we should install
gco-wrapper (https://github.com/Borda/pyGCO)

Download Checkpoints and Test

We provide Co-Mixup training log files with (PreActResNet18, CIFAR-100, 300 epochs) (see ./checkpoint). The last checkpoint shows 80.19% clean test accuracy.

To download the model, install gdown and run

pip install gdown  
gdown https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1awBkSLxQKHUry-jkbDB1aMRBgIn5aT3F -O ./checkpoint/cifar100_preactresnet18_eph300_comixup/checkpoint.pth.tar

To test the model, run

python main.py --evaluate --log_off --parallel False --resume ./checkpoint/cifar100_preactresnet18_eph300_comixup/checkpoint.pth.tar --data_dir ./data/cifar100/

Note that, CIFAR-100 dataset will be downloaded at --data_dir, if the dataset dose not exist.

Reproducing the results

Detailed descriptions of arguments are provided in main.py. Below are some of the examples for reproducing the experimental results.


Dataset will be downloaded at --data_dir and the results will be saved at --root_dir. If you want to run codes without saving results, please set --log_off True.

  • To reproduce Co-Mixup with PreActResNet18 for 300 epochs, just run python main.py.
    The detailed setting is
python main.py --dataset cifar100 --data_dir ./data/cifar100/ --root_dir ./experiments/cifar100 --labels_per_class 500 --arch preactresnet18  --learning_rate 0.2 --epochs 300 --schedule 100 200 --gammas 0.1 0.1 --comix True --parallel True --m_part 20 --m_block_num 4 --mixup_alpha 2.0 --clean_lam 1.0 --m_beta 0.32 --m_gamma 1.0 --m_thres 0.83 --m_eta 0.05 --m_omega 0.001

Some notes

  • --labels_per_class controls the amounts of training data per class. To train with CIFAR-10, set --labels_per_class 5000.
  • We have built pytorch multiprocessing module for Co-Mixup. To use this, set --parallel True (default). However, this requires additional GPU memory (the more the number of partition, the more the number of processes, about 1GB GPU memory per CUDA process). If OOM occurs, set --parallel False or increase the number of partition size --m_part. One can also modify the code and use different numbers of partitions and processes.
  • The number of processes in dataloader --workers has a significant impact on training time. I set 0 for CIFAR (using only main thread) and 8 for Tiny-ImageNet.
  • To reduce training time, set --m_niter 3 (the number iterations for the outer loop of Co-Mixup).
  • Considerable ranges of parameters are m_beta: [0.16, 0.48], m_thres: [0.81, 0.84] in the case of 4 block_num.
  • Clean input regularization by --clean_lam allows us to use high --mixup_alpha. If we set --clean_lam 0, then --mixup_alpha should be decreased accordingly.
  • The codes for other baselines are provided in link.


Download dataset

The following process is forked from (link).

  1. Download the zipped data from https://tiny-imagenet.herokuapp.com/
  2. If not already exiting, create a subfolder "data" in root folder "Co-Mixup"
  3. Extract the zipped data in folder Co-Mixup/data
  4. Run the following script (This will arange the validation data in the format required by the pytorch loader)
python load_data.py
  • To reproduce Co-Mixup with PreActResNet18 for 1200 epochs, run:
python main.py --dataset tiny-imagenet-200 --data_dir ./data/tiny-imagenet-200 --root_dir ./experiments/tiny --labels_per_class 500 --arch preactresnet18 --learning_rate 0.2 --epochs 1200 --schedule 600 900 --gammas 0.1 0.1 --workers 8 --comix True --parallel True --m_part 20 --m_block_num 4 --mixup_alpha 2.0 --clean_lam 1.0 --m_beta 0.32 --m_gamma 1.0 --m_thres 0.83 --m_eta 0.05 --m_omega 0.001


For ImageNet experiments, please refer to ./comix-imagenet. We also provide test code for localization and robustness experiments at ./comix-localization. You can also download pretrained models at ./comix-localization.


MIT License