
Crellvm: Verified Credible Compilation for LLVM

Primary LanguageCoq

Crellvm: Verified Credible Compilation for LLVM

Code Structure

Crellvm is divided roughly into the following four parts:


Proof Generation Code in Each Pass

Note that all our modifications are wrapped in the crellvm::intrude() function.

Proof Generation Library

Most of those codes are automatically-generated codes for serialization.


  • def contains the definition of the proof checker and its dependency.
  • corehint contains the schema for serialization.
  • main.ml contains the entry point for the proof checker. It calls valid_module extracted from Coq.
  • infruleGen.ml contains the custom automation functions that find appropriate inference rules.


  • proof contains the formal verification of the proof checker in Coq.
    • Refinement.v proves behavioral refinement of two modules that pass the proof checker.
    • SimulationNop.v proves behavioral refinement for two equivalent modules modulo nops.



  • Git

    • In Ubuntu 16.04, sudo apt install git
  • A C++ compiler, Boost, and CMake 3.3.2+

    • In Ubuntu 16.04, sudo apt install gcc libboost-all-dev cmake
  • OPAM: the OCaml package manager

    • In Ubuntu 16.04, sudo apt install opam m4 pkg-config
    • Also execute opam init && opam update && opam switch 4.05.0
  • Scala 2.11.6+ for make test

    • In Ubuntu 16.04, sudo apt install scala


You can build the proof-generating LLVM compiler and the ERHL proof checker as follows. (You can change the JOBS variable, whose default is 24. For example, you may want to make JOBS=8 llvm for systems with 8 CPUs.)

  • make init: Installs Coq and OCaml libraries, and fetches and builds dependencies.

  • make update: Updates dependencies.

  • make all (default): make llvm exec proof

  • make quick: make llvm exec proof-quick

  • make llvm: Builds LLVM in .build/llvm-obj.

  • make opt: Builds proof-generating LLVM IR optimizer in .build/llvm-obj/bin/opt.

  • make exec: Builds the ERHL proof checker in ocaml/main.native.

  • make proof: Compiles the Coq verification of the ERHL proof checker.

  • make proof-quick: Compiles the Coq verification with the -quick option (useful for interactive theorem proving).


The following executables are generated in the build process:

  • .build/llvm-obj/bin/opt: an LLVM IR optimizer, but it also generates ERHL proofs

    See opt -help for the additional options for proof generation, e.g. -crellvm-passwhitelist=pass_name, -crellvm-compactjson.

  • ocaml/main.native: the ERHL proof checker

    ocaml/main.native $SRC $TGT $PROOF validates a translation from $SRC to $TGT using $PROOF as the ERHL translation proof. See ocaml/main.native -help for more details.

  • Example

    mkdir -p temp; cd temp
    cp ../crellvm-tests/csmith/ll-files/00001.ll 00001.ll
    # opt generates proof for every mem2reg transformation
    ../.build/llvm-obj/bin/opt -O2 \
      -crellvm-passwhitelist=mem2reg \
      00001.ll \
      -o 00001.tgt.ll -S
    # Now source/target/proof triples are generated
    # ex. 00001.crc32_8bytes.74.src.bc / 00001.crc32_8bytes.74.tgt.bc / 00001.crc32_8bytes.74.hint.json
    #     for the `crc32_8bytes` function's 74th mem2reg translation
    # Run the ERHL validator for a translation
    ../ocaml/main.native 00001.crc32_8bytes.74.src.bc 00001.crc32_8bytes.74.tgt.bc 00001.crc32_8bytes.74.hint.json
    # `Validation succeeded.` should be printed

Interactive Theorem Proving

make proof-quick generates .vio files, which is enough for interactive theorem proving (either in CoqIDE or ProofGeneral).

coq/status-proof.sh to grep all assumption keywords (e.g. admit, Axiom) in the Coq files. Currently it reports several admits, all of which are either (1) OCaml utility functions that are not relevant to the correctness of the proof checker, (2) functions that are implemented in OCaml for performance reasons, or (3) axioms on the external functions.


  • make test-init: Downloads benchmark programs.

  • make test-update: Updates benchmark programs.

  • make test: Performs benchmark (§7).

    • The benchmark programs (§7. "Benchmarks") are in the following directories: SPEC CINT2006 C Benchmarks in crellvm-tests/speccpu2006-ll; LLVM nightly test suite in crellvm-tests/LNT-ll; the five open-source C projects in crellvm-tests/gnu-projects-ll.

      1000 randomly-generated C files (§7. "Validating Randomly Generated Programs") are in crellvm-tests/csmith/ll-files.

      FYI, crellvm-tests/BENCHMARKS.md explains how to extract .ll files from the benchmark programs.

    • make test executes crellvm-tests/run-benchmark.sh, which in turn executes crellvm-tests/crellvm-tests-parallel/src/main/scala/main.scala. scala .../main.scala -h: Gives a manual for the internal script:

      • -j $CORE: number of cores used for testing.
      • -a $OPTION: options to be passed to opt, e.g. -O2.
      • -i $TESTDIR: the address of the benchmark you want to compile and validate.
    • For example, scala .../main.scala -j 8 -a "-O2" -i crellvm-tests/LNT-ll means:

      • Execute opt (proof-generating LLVM IR optimizer) and main.native (ERHL proof checker) for each .ll files in crellvm-tests/LNT-ll.

      • The test result (files report.summary, report.generate, report.validate) will be in the ./test_result.LNT-ll.0 directory.