Putting Weak Memory in Order via Promising Intermediate Representation

Sung-Hwan Lee, Minki Cho, Roy Margalit, Chung-Kil Hur, Ori Lahav.

Proceedings of the 44th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 2023).

This repository contains the coq development of the source model (vRC11) and the IR model (PSir). The coq development of mapping PSir to Armv8S can be found here. Please visit the project website for more information.


  • Requirement: opam (>=2.0.0), Coq 8.15.2
  • Installing dependencies with opam
  • Build the project
make -j


The Source model, vRC11 (Section 3)

  • src/model/TView.v: Definition of thread views and their transitions on memory accesses
  • src/model/Memory.v: Definition of memory and memory operations
  • src/model/Global.v: Definition of a global state that is shared between threads
  • src/model/Local.v: Definition of a local state and local transitions
  • src/model/Thread.v: Definition of a thread and thread steps
  • src/model/PFConfiguration.v: Definition of vRC11 machine steps (consisting of thread steps except for PROMISE/RESERVE/CANCEL steps)

The IR model, PSir (Section 4)

  • src/model/Promises.v: Definition of promises and promise/fulfill operations
  • src/model/Reserves.v: Definition of reservations and reserve/cancel operations
  • src/model/Configuration.v: Definition of a machine configuration and machine steps

Soundness of mapping vRC11 to PSir (Theorem 4.3)

  • Theorem src_to_ir in src/src2ir/SrcToIR.v: Soundness of mapping vRC11 to PSir

Local DRF guarantees for vRC11

  • Theorem local_drf_ra in src/ldrfra/LocalDRFRA.v: Local DRF-RA guarantee
  • Theorem local_drf_sc in src/ldrfsc/LocalDRFSC.v: Local DRF-SC guarantee

Adequacy of SEQ

  • Theorem sequential_refinement_adequacy_concurrent_context in src/sequential/SequentialAdequacy.v: The adequacy of sequential reasoning, ported from [Cho et al. 2022]