- 2
- 0
Thread 1 "TestHEAAN" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x0000555555570a34 in heaan::Scheme::~Scheme() ()
#78 opened by reaneling - 0
zsh: segmentation fault ./TestHEAAN Encrypt
#77 opened by robinkoestler - 0
#76 opened by zzzhhhlll - 0
How hardcode keygen process?
#75 opened by Sai-Manish - 0
what is _ntl_gdiv?
#74 opened by zzzhhhlll - 1
HELP!!! What are the input and output of CRT?What does the "_ntl_general_rem_one_struct_build" function do?
#71 opened by Cmiiii - 0
- 0
HEAAN on windows
#72 opened by busranurbulbul - 2
language issue
#70 opened by macknight - 0
bit security issue
#69 opened by macknight - 9
- 0
deviation issue
#67 opened by macknight - 1
Is there a way to calculate square root?
#45 opened by TaihouKai - 0
Supported Schemes
#66 opened by macknight - 0
cipher mode issue
#65 opened by macknight - 0
CKKS bootstrapping issue
#64 opened by macknight - 2
typing make all
#53 opened by dasylin - 6
Is key-switch used in HEAAN?
#62 opened by DylanWangWQF - 1
BFV bootstrapping?
#63 opened by lattice0 - 2
What version does NTL support?
#60 opened by Liuqing0722 - 1
Error for for run ./TestHEAAN
#59 opened by by202 - 1
Public key for decryption?
#56 opened by 2w21234 - 1
Sequence of matrix-vector multiplications
#55 opened by JanW92 - 0
Vector of ciphertexts
#54 opened by JanW92 - 1
- 4
- 1
- 1
modDownBy & modDownTo
#46 opened by TaihouKai - 5
How to install HEAAN Library
#50 opened by omeravci372742 - 1
How is relinearization handled?
#48 opened by sbajpeyi - 0
Please add the 'install' target
#47 opened by yurivict - 6
Tests fail: undefined reference to `NTL::operator<<(std::ostream&, NTL::ZZ const&)'
#40 opened by yurivict - 12
- 9
Scheme::encode / Scheme::decode
#34 opened by gamma-2017 - 0
Memory Blowup
#42 opened by imtiyazuddin - 5
Test Bootstrapping crashes Segmentation Fault
#41 opened by tjungND - 3
#include <sys/time.h> is missing
#39 opened by yurivict - 1
address of stack memory returned
#38 opened by yurivict - 8
The serialization problem
#37 opened by Huelse - 2
#35 opened by gamma-2017 - 1
Why is `sub` inaccurate?
#32 opened by jayavanth - 1
- 4
Inverse of ciphertext - Part 2
#31 opened by jayavanth - 6
Is there a way to combine n 1-slot ciphers into a single cipher with n slots?
#30 opened by jayavanth - 7
- 2
- 4
Bootstrapping a large number
#23 opened by imtiyazuddin - 2
Test HEAAN library have some trouble
#26 opened by Dylan-yxn - 2
I cant' find test folder
#24 opened by kosolen