#Last Minute Trip

Project Description:

The user chooses a vacation destination based on his favorite activities and weather. On the start screen users choose an activity that he would like to do, behind each activity, there is an array of destinations. next screen - 5 destinations based on user's choose and the weather forecast for the next 5 days. the users choose one destination and get an array of flights to that destination in the next day using Flight API. when the user clicks the booking button he land on the last page "Favorite Destinations".

User Strory:

As a busy person who has limited vacations days you don´t want your vacation to be ruined by bad weather. So I´m looking for a service that make sure I will find the best weather based on the activity I´m planning to do. Since I want to save some money I look to last minute trips that are usually cheaper.

APIs to be used:

Flights: Amadeus https://developers.amadeus.com/ Weather: open weather API https://openweathermap.org/api

CSS Frameworks

Foundation: https://dhbhdrzi4tiry.cloudfront.net/cdn/sites/foundation.min.css Bootstrap: https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.3.1/css/bootstrap.min.css