The CLI is the official command-line interface for Use this tool to interact with your projects, and to build them locally for development purposes.
- Operating system: Linux, OS X, Windows Vista, Windows 7 (any), or Windows 8 Pro (Win8 Standard does not work due to an issue with symlink permissions)
- PHP 5.3.3 or higher, with cURL support
- Composer
- Drush (only needed for Drupal projects)
Install the latest stable version of the CLI:
composer global require 'platformsh/cli:1.*'
Make sure Composer's
directory is in your system's PATH.In Linux or OS X, add this line to your shell configuration file:
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin"
In Windows, use this command from a Command Prompt (cmd.exe):
setx PATH "%PATH%;%APPDATA%\Composer\vendor\bin"
Start a new shell before continuing.
Optionally, enable auto-completion. Add these lines to your shell configuration file:
# CLI configuration PLATFORMSH_CONF=~/.composer/vendor/platformsh/cli/platform.rc [ -f "$PLATFORMSH_CONF" ] && . "$PLATFORMSH_CONF"
Your 'shell configuration file' might be in any of the following locations:
(common in Linux)~/.bash_profile
(common in OS X)~/.zshrc
(if using ZSH)
Start a new shell or type source <filename>
to load the new configuration.
You can run the CLI in your shell by typing platform
Use the 'list' command to get a list of available options and commands:
platform list
The current output of platform list
is as follows: CLI
Global options:
--help -h Display this help message
--quiet -q Do not output any message
--verbose -v|vv|vvv Increase the verbosity of messages
--version -V Display this application version
--yes -y Answer "yes" to all prompts
--no -n Answer "no" to all prompts
--shell -s Launch the shell
Available commands:
docs Open the online documentation
help Displays help for a command
list Lists commands
login Log in to
logout Log out of
web Open the Web UI
domain:add Add a new domain to the project
domain:delete Delete a domain from the project
domain:list (domains) Get a list of all domains
environment:activate Activate an environment
environment:backup Make a backup of an environment
environment:branch (branch) Branch an environment
environment:checkout (checkout) Check out an environment
environment:deactivate Deactivate an environment
environment:delete Delete an environment
environment:drush (drush) Run a drush command on the remote environment
environment:list (environments) Get a list of all environments
environment:merge (merge) Merge an environment
environment:relationships List the environment's relationships
environment:ssh (ssh) SSH to the current environment
environment:synchronize (sync) Synchronize an environment
environment:url (url) Get the public URL of an environment
project:build (build) Build the current project locally
project:clean (clean) Remove old project builds
project:drush-aliases (drush-aliases) Find the project's Drush aliases
project:get (get) Clone and build a project locally
project:init (init) Initialize from a plain Git repository
project:list (projects) Get a list of all active projects
ssh-key:add Add a new SSH key
ssh-key:delete Delete an SSH key
ssh-key:list (ssh-keys) Get a list of all added SSH keys
variable:delete Delete a variable from an environment
variable:get (vget) Get a variable for an environment
variable:set (vset) Set a variable for an environment
The CLI caches details of your projects and their environments. These caches
could become out-of-date. You can get a fresh list of projects or environments
with the platform projects
and platform environments
- Maintained by Commerce Guys.