
WebDesign with HTML/CSS, Javascript

Primary LanguageCSS

##CIT 597 lab1

Creator: Zhi Li
First time using HTML/CSS, and implement a little bit Javascript learnt all by myself.
Reference: Codeacademy

Link to Webpage: http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~zhili/lego.html

Link to Calendar: http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~zhili/calendar.html

###Special Features:

  • lego.html: (a demo page for LEGO movie intro)
    1. a sidebar menu is created, by clicking the menu button it will show up from the left side and push the body part to the right side. Then when you click on the cancel sign it will hide itself and everything comes back to normal. List and JQuery is used here to enable simple animation.
    2. The interface of webpage is carefully designed, try to use overflow control(scroll bar) for the first time, clickable image link, text link without decoration, font control via CSS etc.
    3. A button called "Friend me on Facebook" is created, on clicking it will lead to my personal facebook page.
    4. Table is used to organize embedded youtube videos, giving them a neat appearance.