
The official website of the Information Systems Laboratory

Primary LanguageTeX

Department of Natural Language Processing

The Jekyll-based website of Department of Natural Language Processing.

Updating content


  • Create an account on GitHub.
  • Send me your login to add you push privileges.

Using git from command line:

  1. Update the website page:
    1. Edit _data/*.yml file if you want to add or update a member, seminar or tool.
    2. Edit _bibliography/members/*.bib to update a bibliography.
    3. Edit _bibliography/theses.bib to update the list of MSc and PhD theses.
    4. Edit _bibliography/bibliography.bib to update the list of papers.
    5. Edit .md files to update the content of static pages.
    6. Add PDF file into _uploads directory (keep them as small as possible!) or just send them to me via email.
  2. Commit and push your edits into repository.
  3. Send me an email to update the website on the faculty server (as I don't know if you have privileges to do it) – or – if you have access rights to psinf@hosting.wmi.amu.edu.pl:
    1. ./publish.sh
    2. ssh psinf@hosting.wmi.amu.edu.pl
    3. ./update.sh (on server)

You can do it online as well using http://prose.io

Building the website

Attention: building the website locally is not needed to update its content. Be aware that the commands below have not been yet tested on a fresh system setting.


  • Ruby (ruby-dev)
  • Ruby Bundler (ruby-bundler)
  • Jekyll (jekyll)

Type bundle install to install all required gems.

To build it on Unix machines use the provided Makefile:

make build

To run it locally:

make run

Or check what commands are executed by the Makefile.

Assets (i.e. images, CSS styles, icons, etc.) should be stored in _assets directory.


  • Where to place PDF files?
  • Create a script for automatic building on the server.