This codes implement basic simulation and control of Musculoskeletal system. Skeletal movements are driven by the actuation of the muscles, which are coordinated by their activation levels. Interfacing with python and pytorch, it is available to use Deep Reinforcement Learning(DRL) algorithm such as Proximal Policy Optimization(PPO).
sudo apt-get install libtinyxml-dev libeigen3-dev libxi-dev libxmu-dev freeglut3-dev libassimp-dev libpython3-dev python3-tk python3-numpy virtualenv ipython3 cmake-curses-gui
We strongly recommand that you install boost libraries from the source code (not apt-get, etc...).
Download boost sources with the version over 1.66.(
Compile and Install the sources
cd /path/to/boost_1_xx/
./ --with-python=python3
sudo ./b2 --with-python --with-filesystem --with-system --with-regex install
- Check yourself that the libraries are installed well in your directory
. (or/usr/
If installed successfully, you should have something like
Please refer to (Install version 7.0)
You should first activate virtualenv.
virtualenv /path/to/venv --python=python3
source /path/to/venv/bin/activate
- pytorch(
pip3 install
pip3 install torchvision
- numpy, matplotlib
pip3 install numpy matplotlib ipython
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j8
- Run PPO
cd ../pymss
source /path/to/virtualenv/
- Run UI
- Run Trained data
./render/render ../nn/