
Wrapping vue 3 app in a web component. Unfortunately, vue-cli does not provide it out of the box (it works only for the vue 2 apps)

Primary LanguageVue


This dummy app demonstrates wrapping the whole Vue 3 app (vue-cli) in a web component with shadow dom. Styles are injected into shadow dom (through the link tad) during the custom element creation. Unfortunately, vue-cli doesn't support wrapping of the Vue 3 app into the web component, only Vue 2 is supported.

Note: in dev mode (pnpm run dev) the app mounting as usual, to a div tag and there is no wrapping to WC occurred. Wrapping to WC happens in production build only (pnpm run build) .

Project setup

pnpm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

pnpm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

pnpm run build

Lints and fixes files

pnpm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.