
Demo Ionic Firebase Authentication project

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Ionic Firebase Authentication example

Simple demo of Firebase in Ionic

Updated for Ionic 3.0.1


Get the code, install packages, run it

git clone ...
cd ...
npm install
ionic serve

Firebase project

Go to the Firebase console https://console.firebase.google.com/

Create a new Firebase project.

Enable Google as an authentication method (Authentication > Sign-In Method)

From the project Overview, click 'Add Firebase to your web app'. We'll need these config key:values later...

Set the Firebase storage to enable file upload too. https://console.firebase.google.com/project/PROJECT-NAME/storage/files

What do the pages do

Module imports

Import LoginPage, AuthService provider and angularfire2's AngularFireModule, AuthProviders, AuthMethods into src/app/app.module.ts. Add the config details. Add the new login page to the declarations and entryComponents. Add AngularFireModule.initializeApp(firebaseConfig, myFirebaseAuthConfig) into the imports: array. This initialises the firebase app with the config settings.


App.component.ts sets the rootPage based on whether we are signed in or not.

Login page

Clicking the button loads the web login popup. We look for the value from that in the AuthService provider

Home page

Just shows our displayname, from the authentication provider

Upload page

User can select an xml file. The file contents are read and uploaded to a files/userId directory on Firebase Storage. No feedback yet about upload progress.