Taskr keeps you going forward by applying strict no-regression rules on your repo.
$ git commit -m "update api /home and /welcome"
taskr: regression: task 'welcomeSayHello' has returned error, did not on previous commit.
taskr: abort commit.
It helps your team know exactly what has to be done, and how it will be rewarded.
$ git commit -m "fixed linting issues"
taskr: this commit don't introduce any regression.
taskr: task lint done, reward: 5.
[master f263b5e] fixed linting issues
3 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Taskr is compatible with windows, macOS, and linux.
Brew installation is available and maybe the most simple :
$ brew tap snwfdhmp/homebrew-tap
$ brew install taskr
Latest release can be found here for Windows, macOS, and linux.
- go (easy install)
After you have go installed, make sure the go binary directory is in your $PATH. Go binary directory is located at $(go env GOPATH)/bin
If for any reason, you can't add GOPATH/bin to your $PATH, replace every call to taskr
by $(go env GOPATH)/bin/taskr
go get -u github.com/snwfdhmp/taskr/...
go install github.com/snwfdhmp/taskr
Now, in any git repo, run:
taskr init
Let's create a new git repository.
$ mkdir myRepo
$ cd myRepo
$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/snwfdhmp/myRepo/.git/
Now init taskr in this repository. This works the same way in an existing repository.
$ taskr init
taskr inited successfully.
Now let's see the taskr.yaml file the previous just created.
- name: compile
test: go build main.go
reward: 0
- name: lint
test: golint -set_exit_status
reward: 0
By default, taskr will create an example taskr.yaml file for golang. Each test is defined by its name, a command to run to determine if the test is pass or fail (based on exit status: 0 = pass, any other = fail), and a reward for the developer if the task is completed (will be used in upcoming versions).
Let's add a bunch of code in a main.go.
package main
import (
func SayHello() {
fmt.Println("Hello world !")
func main() {
Now commit our changes.
$ git add .taskr taskr.yaml
$ git add main.go
$ git commit -m "taskr init"
taskr: task 'compile' completed.
[master (root-commit) 1eb4392] taskr init
3 files changed, 20 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 .taskr/history.yaml
create mode 100644 main.go
create mode 100644 taskr.yaml
We can see that the task 'compile' has been completed with this commit.
Taskr is built to keep going forward. Regressions are automatically blocked and taskr will abort any commit introducing one.
For example, let's add a mistake in our previous code :
package main
import (
func SayHello() {
fmt.Println("Hello world !")
func main() {
SayHe110[] //<- this won't compile
Remember we previously completed the task 'compile'.
Let's try to commit this thing.
$ git add main.go
$ git commit -m "update main.go"
taskr: regression: task 'compile' has returned error, did not on previous commit.
taskr: abort commit.
Taskr isn't accepting our commit because the task 'compile' now fails.
We have to get the test of compile (it was go build main.go
) to pass again.
To complete tasks, you have to pass their tests successfully (exit status 0).
For example, remember the default task 'lint':
- name: lint
test: golint -set_exit_status
reward: 0
We have to get golint -set_exit_status
to exit with status code 0.
Let's try
$ golint -set_exit_status
main.go:7:1: exported function SayHello should have comment or be unexported
Found 1 lint suggestions; failing.
What we have to do is fix this issue.
Let's change our main.go
//SayHello prints "Hello world !" to the user
func SayHello() {
fmt.Println("Hello world !")
Now retry the go linter.
$ golint -set_exit_status
Great ! Let's commit those changes.
$ git add main.go
$ git commit -m "commented func for linting"
taskr: task 'lint' completed.
[master f265f60] commented func for linting
2 files changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100755 main
Now you know how to complete tasks with taskr.
Taskr is built upon the golang package taskr. It can be used by importing github.com/snwfdhmp/taskr/pkg
import (
The package name is taskr.
Then, for example
history, err := taskr.OpenHistory() //error handling is omitted for readability purposes
tasks, err := taskr.ParseTasks()
report, err := history.Run(tasks...)
for _, t := range report.Tests {
fmt.Println("Test", t.Name, "completed. Congratulations")
The package documentation can be found here on godoc.