
SOEN 341

Primary LanguagePHP

Scrape engine structure

The scraping information are obtained by running the scrape.php controller with the corresponding course code and course number. The course information result will be scraped, and the information is stored inside of a tree structure (i.e. array of arrays) shown by the following diagram.

Tree Struture

When the scraping function is called, it can be passed as an argument directly to the view page, in which every key will become a valid variable which can be displayed. Remember that you do not need to call $data. You use the key directly as the variable to echo, e.g. $session, or $prerequisite.

For example, if you have scraped for COMP 248, then the title of the course to display in the view file is simply: $title The course number and course code to echo in html is

You could list all the section as an array with print_r($session);

To get to a lecture professor echo $session['D']['professor'];

Prerequisite Structure

The prerequisite structure is also an array containing the information of the prerequisite for a particular course. To print the prerequisite course, simply call print_r($prerequisite); in your view file.

The prerequisite has multiple array, in general, if a sub array has only 1 element, then it is a prerequisite. Else if a sub array has multiple element, e.g. 2 or more, then it means that any of the course in this sub array is considered as a valid prerequisite.

For example: COMP 352; COMP 345; MATH 203 or MATH 232;

Then echo $prerequisite[0][0]['code']; => COMP echo $prerequisite[0][0]['number']; => 352

echo $prerequisite[1][0]['code']; => COMP
echo $prerequisite[1][0]['number']; => 345
echo $prerequisite[2][0]['code']; => MATH
echo $prerequisite[2][0]['number']; => 203

echo $prerequisite[2][1]['code']; => MATH
echo $prerequisite[2][1]['number']; => 232

This structure is quite redundant, but I think it will serve our purpose for now, if there is more modification to be made or simplification to be made, then it can be done as well.

  • Removed the TEST branch, use only develop and master. Three branches seems to be hard to managed.
  • Sorry I was toying with the commits and messed up the commit histroy - Charles.
Basic Workflow
  • master branch should contains our most stable releases.
  • develop branch should contains our infinished testing code. It is your duty to insure that whatever code your adding, that piece of code should be compatible with the rest of the other codes.
  • topic branch(es) should be only created on your local machine. Merge your final code into develop branch first, and then push it to the develop branch so other people can see it, test it, or modify it.

Hi Welcome to Pasta

The online Concordia software engineer schedule marker for the year of 2011/2012

Our Team

Saud Khalid Musafer (saudkm)
Steven Gourgue
Eric Rideough (eride) [edited!]
Bobby Yit
Charles Chao Yang (snwfog)
Wais Kedri (waisk)
Duc Hoang Michel Pham
Walter Chacon

Commit Messaging Guideline

First line: Summary of what you did. Do not use past-tense, use only present tense, ie. Upload instead of Uploaded, Add instead of Added, etc.

Second line: Space

Third line and plus: The detail message of your commit.

Please make sure that the commit message body and subject should not be wider than 80 characters wide. Its just a convention.

Code Styling Standard
