Fortify SSC Snyk Parser Plugin


This is a plugin for MicroFoucs Fortify Software Security Center that allows for parsing of scan results generated by snyk test --json. The Fortify SSC is a software issue management center, and allows importing issues from external vendor code analyzers.

Things to Note

  • Information on Parser plugins and an example can be found here
  • It follows the api as described here
  • As per requirements, the plugin is compiled into a single JAR file that includes the library it uses: Gson.


Latest release can be grabbed at the releases page. In case you're interested in compiling it on your own, you only need maven installed, then follow:


git clone
cd fortify-snyk-parser
mvn install

Then grab the file produced at: target/parser-x.x.x.jar


  1. Open your browser and go to:
  2. Click on NEW and acknowledge
  3. Choose before-mentioned JAR file
  4. Once uploaded, click on "Snyk Parser Plugin" line, then click ENABLE and acknowledge
  5. Plugin should be installed now


To use the Snyk Parser Plugin, cli scan results in .json format should be generated.

snyk test --json > scan.json

and an app version should be declared (in: If you don't have any, just create one (click NEW APPLICATION and then fill out info).

Using the web UI

  1. Generate scan results files. Alongside scan.json execute:
echo "engineType=SNYK" >
zip -v scan.json
  1. Go to and select the version to bind the report to. and click on the application you want to bind the scan results to.
  2. Click ARTIFACTS tab and there click ARTIFACT.
  3. Click ADD FILES and select the you just made. Then click START UPLOAD. CLOSE to close the window.
  4. Once results were successfully processed, you should see status Processing Complete for the uploaded

Using the REST API

Alongside the scan.json:

curl --noproxy localhost -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u admin:<PASSWORD> -d '{"fileTokenType": "UPLOAD"}' http://localhost:8180/ssc/api/v1/fileTokens
curl --noproxy localhost -X POST --form files=@"scan.json" "http://localhost:8180/ssc/upload/resultFileUpload.html?mat=<TOKEN>&entityId=<APP_ID>&engineType=SNYK" 

APP_ID is the id number of the app version, in the url when going to an app dashboard http://localhost:8180/ssc/html/ssc/version/<APP_ID>/

Viewing results

  1. In the app version dashboard (http://localhost:8180/ssc/html/ssc/version/<APP_ID>/).
  2. Click on AUDIT tab at the top and you should see all issues reported by Snyk in the table.
  3. Click on any row to reveal detailed information on issue.