
Python Faker provider for security related data

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


Pypi CircleCI

Provider for Faker to generate random/fake data related to security.


  • Faker
  • Python 3.8+

Installation and Usage

If you want to use faker-security within your project, add it to your dependency file of choice.

This is typically your project's requirements.txt file. If you are using a higher-level package manager like poetry or pipenv, follow their instructions for adding new packages.

Once installed, you need to setup Faker to make use of the SecurityProvider. An example of how that could be done is shown below:

from faker import Faker
from faker_security.providers import SecurityProvider

fake = Faker()

# generate a CVSSv3 vector

Provider Features


  • Install poetry and run poetry install
  • Install pre-commit and run pre-commit install --install-hooks


poetry run pytest to run tests.