This is a demo server based on koa2 and bunyan. It shows how we do structured logging at Snyk.
Structured logging on request handling applies the following properties:
- Logs are printed to stdout in single-line JSON form.
- Logs include standard fields imposed by bunyan (i.e.
). - Requests are logged upon arrival and response.
- All logs for a specific request share an identical
. - Errors on responses are logged with their stack trace.
We use 90% identical code in our microservices at Snyk. It is a result of many iterations by several authors, aimed at making our services easy to monitor, observe, and generally understand.
Clone and run npm install
To run locally and get human-readable logs, run node . | ./node_modules/.bin/bunyan
From a separate shell, run the following commands and observe the server logs:
curl localhost:8000/?duration=555
curl localhost:8000/?duration=123\&error=yesPlease
Your output will be similar to:
[2018-01-27T15:41:38.250Z] INFO: demo-service/57906 on your-host: Server started (startupDurationMs=121, port=8000)
[2018-01-27T15:41:41.283Z] INFO: demo-service/57906 on your-host: Handling request (requestId=828934e0-e092-40a9-8de3-c7a6e37be70a, originalUrl=/?duration=555, method=GET)
[2018-01-27T15:41:41.283Z] INFO: demo-service/57906 on your-host: Going to sleep for a while (requestId=828934e0-e092-40a9-8de3-c7a6e37be70a, sleepDurationInMs=555)
[2018-01-27T15:41:41.846Z] INFO: demo-service/57906 on your-host: Woke up! (requestId=828934e0-e092-40a9-8de3-c7a6e37be70a, sleepDurationInMs=555)
[2018-01-27T15:41:41.847Z] INFO: demo-service/57906 on your-host: Reply sent (requestId=828934e0-e092-40a9-8de3-c7a6e37be70a, originalUrl=/?duration=555, method=GET, duration=566, status=200)
[2018-01-27T15:41:41.870Z] INFO: demo-service/57906 on your-host: Handling request (requestId=59ac8cd1-6246-4a35-9ee6-4928fc97c457, originalUrl=/?duration=123&error=yesPlease, method=GET)
[2018-01-27T15:41:41.870Z] INFO: demo-service/57906 on your-host: Going to sleep for a while (requestId=59ac8cd1-6246-4a35-9ee6-4928fc97c457, sleepDurationInMs=123)
[2018-01-27T15:41:41.998Z] INFO: demo-service/57906 on your-host: Woke up! (requestId=59ac8cd1-6246-4a35-9ee6-4928fc97c457, sleepDurationInMs=123)
[2018-01-27T15:41:41.999Z] ERROR: demo-service/57906 on your-host: Reply sent (requestId=59ac8cd1-6246-4a35-9ee6-4928fc97c457, originalUrl=/?duration=123&error=yesPlease, method=GET, duration=130, status=501)
error: {
"name": "NotImplementedError",
"message": "BOOM!",
"stack": "NotImplementedError: BOOM!\n at module.exports (.../koa2-bunyan-server/src/controllers/sleep.js:15:17)\n at <anonymous>",
"sleptInMs": 123
Push your k8s pods' JSON logs to a managed ELK stack with fluentd-logzio-kubernetes