Bindings for libmpv client API that allow you to create plugins for MPV in Rust.
This is a fork of TheCactusVert/mpv-client that supports developing mpv c plugins on windows.
Currently, this crate is compatible with the original one.
Here is an example for your Cargo.toml
name = "mpv-plugin"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
name = "mpv_plugin"
crate-type = ["cdylib"]
mpv-client-dyn = "0.5.0"
And then the code src/
use mpv_client_dyn::{mpv_handle, Event, Handle};
extern "C" fn mpv_open_cplugin(handle: *mut mpv_handle) -> std::os::raw::c_int {
let client = Handle::from_ptr(handle);
println!("Hello world from Rust plugin {}!",;
loop {
match client.wait_event(-1.) {
Event::Shutdown => { return 0; },
event => { println!("Got event: {}", event); },