Maxgauge on Cloud Agent

A. Specification


  • Ubuntu: 12.04 LTS, 14.04 LTS, 16.04 LTS
  • Debian: 7, 8
  • Redhat, CentOS: 6, 7


  • Nothing

Library used

  • From apt/ yum repositories
    • json-c sudo apt-get install libjson0-dev sudo yum install json-c-devel
    • openssl sudo apt-get install libssl-dev sudo yum install openssl-devel
    • mysqlclient sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev sudo yum install mysql-dev
    • curl sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev
  • Others

B. Install

  1. Download tar file

     $ wget (Download link)
  2. Untar moc_agent.tar.gz

     $ tar -zxf moc_agent.tar.gz
  3. Write your license in cfg/license

  4. Modify your configuration file (See C. Configuration)

  5. Lauch the agent background

    $ ./bin/agent & 
    [1] (agent pid)

C. Configuration

  • Your configuration is in cfg/plugins. We support 3 plugins, os, jvm, and mysql. Add the configuration by following instructions.
    • OS

      It is written in the conf file by default. You can delete the line to stop observe the OS metrics. OS plugin does not need any option.

      In cfg/plugins, add a line os.


    • JVM

      JVM plugin needs a port to communicate with java agent. We call it jspd. The jspd runs with tomcat to collect metrics from tomcat. So, we must set the java agent to run with tomcat at the same time.

      At the first line of $(tomcat path)/bin/,

      export JSPD_HOME=(your agent path)/jspd

      export JAVA_OPTS="-javaagent:$JSPD_HOME/lib/jspd.jar -noverify"

      In cfg/plugins, add a line jvm.


    • MySQL

      MySQL plugin needs a host address, the root account, and its password. Write the options after mysql with seperating commas.


D. Termination

  • If you want to terminate, use this:

      $ kill (agent pid)
  • Check your agent is terminated

      $ ps aux | grep moc_agent
      (print nothing)
  • If you forgot the agent pid, check res/pid.

      $ cat res/pid
      (agent pid)