Project Moon Hermit

nice gif

Based on original sbotc by @Cel.

Uses Lua 5.4

This is a Lua interpreter that contains an SSB Client API.


Only async methods implemented so far, the others will error out.


I have vendored lua-5.4.3 and libsodium-1.0.18. To build them:

make deps

If you want to build a shared version of moonhermit. To compile the interpreter:


Compile options

To build a binary that uses shared libraries, use make SHARED=1


moonhermit [-j] [-l] [-r]
      [ [-c <cap>] [-k <key>] [-K <keypair_seed>] ]
      [ [-s <host>] [-p <port>] [ -4 | -6 ] | [-u <socket_path>] ]
      [ -a  luafile ]

The original sbotc.c is included.