
Script that downloads Telegram restricted content.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Script that downloads telegram restricted content.


For help:

./rcdtool --help

Normally, the script will take the channel and message IDs from the CLI argument, but if you did not provide them, then the script will prompt your for each missing ID. You can also customize the output filename.

If you have channel and message IDs you can do:

./rcdtool -c /path/to/config.ini -C <channel ID here> -M <message ID here> -O interesting-video.mp4

Then the script starts the downloading.

Well, if you use the Python script, then change rcdtool by python rcdtool et voilĂ .

Where I find these IDs?

In desktop: right click > copy message/post link. In mobile: touch the message > copy link

This link will have this format:

https://t.me/c/<channel ID>/<message ID>

Then, extract the IDs from the link. Or you can pass that link to the tool with --link as follows:

./rcdtool --link https://t.me/c/106942033f/123 -O stuff.png


In this repository we release the source code (Python) and a binary option for GNU/Linux. You can build a binary for any other operating system using tool as PyInstaller.

Telegram session

You MUST have an API ID provided by Telegram at https://my.telegram.org/ (I think). This is as follows:

api_id: 32767
api_hash: ed855a59bbe4a3360dbf7a0538842142

Then rename config.ini.sample to config.ini, edit it and save wherever you want. If the file is in the same directory as rcdtool and its name is exactly "config.ini", then rcdtool will load it automatically.

The first time, rcdtool will ask you for your phone number, and will start a login process. When this is done, a .session file will be created. With this .session file, the tool could access to your Telegram account to read messages and download medias. The name of the .session file is set in config.ini.