
fork of Estwald's PSDK3v2 with added vitasdk support

Primary LanguagePerl


fork of Estwald's PSDK3v2 with added vitasdk support

List of tools in it

curl [https://curl.haxx.se/]

vitasdk [https://github.com/vitasdk]

vita_portlibs [https://github.com/xerpi/vita_portlibs]

ftpvita [https://github.com/xerpi/libftpvita]

vita2d [https://github.com/xerpi/libvita2d]

psp2link [https://github.com/psxdev/psp2link]

debugnet [https://github.com/psxdev/debugnet]

You'll need also Cmake for win32 if you want to compile cmake projects and git for windows if you want to clone them.

=== Usage

Download the zip by navigating to my github and clicking the green Clone or download button, followed by Download zip

Extract the contents to C: so they show up like this


Rename PSDK3v3-master to PSDK3v3

That's it! Now you only need to send the msys batch file found at C:/PSDK3v3/MinGW/msys/1.0/msys.bat to Desktop, so you can use it properly.

Enjoy :)