
Primary LanguagePython


This repository is the replication package of the research work "The Devil is in the Tails: How Long-Tailed Code Distributions Impact Large Language Models".

In our work we investigate the exsitence and impacts of long-tailed distributions in three downstream tasks, each one using a specific dataset obtained from the state-of-the-art approach of each task. Here we provide everything needed to replicate our experiments.

There are two ways of replicating our results:

  • Use the predictions of each models to replicate the results in RQ1, RQ2, and RQ3;
  • Train your own models from scratch and perform the inference to generate predictions.


  • In the folder for each task, we provide:
    • the scripts we used to:
      • 01_train.sh: fine-tune the models with validation.
      • 02_test.sh: perform inference using the fine-tuned models.
    • the source code we used to:
      • run.py: the main code for training/validating/testing.
      • utils.py: the utils functions like metrics and preprocessing.
      • model.py: the DL model structure of a SE tool.

Here we stored the the datasets you need in order to replicate our experiments:

  • all_datasets.zip contains all the processed and split datasets we used:

    • api_seq_data
      • codebert_data: the format of the datasets for CodeBERT
      • codet5_data: the format of the datasets for CodeT5
      • mularec_data: the format of the datasets for MulaRec
    • code_review_data
      • codebert_data: the format of the datasets for CodeBERT
      • codet5_data: the format of the datasets for CodeT5
      • t5_review_data: the format of the datasets for T5_Review
    • vulnerability_data
      • codebert_data: the format of the datasets for CodeBERT
      • codet5_data: the format of the datasets for CodeT5
      • treevul_data: the format of the datasets for TreeVul
  • Here store the prediction files. ./generated_predictions.zip contains the predictions of each models used in analysis.

  • requirments.txt contains the dependencies needed.

Install dependencies

Please install them first.

conda create -n lt4code python=3.8 
conda activate lt4code
pip install -r  requirments.txt

Use LTAnalyzer to analyze the exstence and degree of long-tailedness in SE datasets

To run RQ1, you need to make sure that generated_predictions/ is at the root path of this project. Then,

cd  RQ1_and_LTAnalyzer
python LTAnalyzer.py

In the python script LTAnalyzer.py set up the task name (Line 242) and the corresponding dataset (Line 243) For example:


The python script LTAnalyzer.py will compute the Gini coeffient as well as the visuaization of data distribution in RQ1.

Use predictions to analyze the impacts of long-tailed distribution on DL models

To compute the results in RQ2 and RQ3, you need to first put generated_predictions/ at the root path of this project. Then go into the folder:

cd RQ2_and_RQ3/

Then, we need to choose the file of the task of interest to run. For example:

python RQ2_and_3_API.py

In the python script RQ2_and_3_API.py, it compute the results for different models by reading the predictions in different paths (Line 260).
For example,

metrics_by_ratios2 = process_results_for_plot("../generated_predictions/api_rec/Results/CodeT5/CE/test_last.gold", \
                                             "../generated_predictions/api_rec/Results/CodeT5/CE/test_last.output", vocab_tokens, freq_vocab, 'codet5')

where the path "../generated_predictions/api_rec/Results/CodeT5/CE/" refers to the results of CodeT5 in standard Cross Entropy.

For other tasks, we can run:

python RQ2_and_3_Revision.py  
python RQ2_and_3_Vulnerability.py

Similarly, just change the paths to the predictions and can see the model performances of different models in corresponding tasks.

Finetune CodeBERT to the tail data (RQ4)

To run the code, ensure that all_data/ is in the root path of this project. For API sequence dataset,


cd RQ4/Tail-detection/code/
bash 01_train_api.sh  


bash 02_test_api.sh  

For other tasks,

cd RQ4/Tail-detection/code/
bash 01_train_review.sh  
bash 02_test_review.sh 
bash 01_train_treevul.sh
bash 02_test_treevul.sh

Train models from sractch (API Sequence Recommendation)


To run the CodeBERT for this task, ensure that all_data/ is in the root path of this project.


unizp API_seq_rec.zip
cd API_seq_rec/CodeBERT/CE
bash 01_train.sh 


bash 02_test.sh


To run the CodeT5 for this task, ensure that all_data/ is in the root path of this project.


cd API_seq_rec/CodeT5/CE
bash 01_train.sh 


bash 02_test.sh


Please refers to its replication packages for details


cd API_seq_rec/MulaRec/CE



Note: if want run the Focal Loss for this task. You can visit the corresponding folder for the model such as API_seq_rec/CodeBERT/FL and use the training and test scripts as above.

Train models from sractch (Code Revision Recommendation)


To run the CodeBERT for this task, ensure that all_data/ is in the root path of this project.


unzip Code_Revision_rec.zip
cd Code_Revision_rec/CodeBERT/CE
bash 01_train.sh 


bash 02_test.sh


To run the CodeT5 for this task, ensure that all_data/ is in the root path of this project.


cd Code_Revision_rec/CodeT5/CE
bash 01_train.sh 


bash 02_test.sh

Note: if want run the Focal Loss for this task. You can visit the corresponding folder for the model such as Code_Revision_rec/CodeBERT/FL and use the training and test scripts as above.


To train the T5_Review models, the authors used the Google Colab service. To replicate the training you will need a Google Colab pro account and a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) account. Once you have you GCS account you need to set up a new bucket. Please, follow the guide provided by Google. Then download the materials of T5_Review Here.

In your GCS bucket upload the content of the archive automating_code_review.zip (ontained from the link above). It stored datasets and code.

Once everything is set you can:

  • Fine-tune a T5_Review model (with or without pre-training) on the downstream task (code&comment-to-code tasks) using their datasets, following the FineTuning.ipynb notebook;

Please refers to their replication packages for more details.

Train models from sractch (Vulnerability Type Prediction)


TreeVul requires many specific environmental requirments:

  1. OS: Ubuntu GPU: NVIDIA GTX 3090.
  2. Language: Python (v3.8)
  3. CUDA: 11.2
  4. Python packages:

To get more comprehensive understanding or TreeVul, please refers their replication packages for more details.

To run TreeVul,


unzip Vulnerability_Type_Pred.zip
cd Vulnerability_Type_Pred/TreeVul/CE/TreeVul_code/
CUBLAS_WORKSPACE_CONFIG=:16:8 allennlp train TreeVul/config_treevul.json -s TreeVul/out_treevul/ --include-package TreeVul


python predict.py


The same requirments as TreeVul.


cd  Vulnerability_Type_Pred/CodeBERT/CE/
CUBLAS_WORKSPACE_CONFIG=:16:8 allennlp train Baseline/config_baseline_codebert.json -s Baseline/out_codebert/ --include-package Baseline


python predict_codebert.py


The same requirments as TreeVul.


cd  Vulnerability_Type_Pred/CodeT5/CE/
CUBLAS_WORKSPACE_CONFIG=:16:8  allennlp train Baseline/config_baseline_codet5.json, -s, Baseline/out_baseline_codet5/, --include-package", Baseline


python 02_predict.py

Note: if want run the Focal Loss or LRT for this task. You can visit the corresponding path such as Vulnerability_Type_Pred/TreeVul/FL/ and use the training and test scripts there.